Consumer Rights

King DngALng's Avatar
I have a question that pertains to the beginning of a meet. It is related to the customers right to say no even though they are already in the place of business. It appears to me that a best practice is to lay the donation down as soon as the meet begins. What if I want to hold on to my donation until after first impressions?

For example, I am interested in purchasing a new car. I begin by evaluating what I want in said vehicle, body styles, colors, comparing models online and reading reviews. Once my mind is made up, I go to the dealership with the intent of leaving with a new automobile. After I arrive at the dealership, the sales representative is unprofessional or doesn't make me feel like a valued customer so I leave and take my business elsewhere.

If this occurs, I will leave regardless of the situation whether I'm paying for a car, a meal or companionship. My question:

If I wait <5 mins before I part with my donation, will that cause problems? I'm probably shooting myself in the foot and killing what little reputation I have by asking this question, but I'm curious about how it would or could be perceived. I'm not paying for pussy, I mean I am, but I'm not. When I see a provider, my desire is more for the experience of companionship which involves good chemistry and some degree of intimacy.

I'm curious to know what everyone's opinions are on this matter.
Would not be a problem for me, personally. Hold onto that donation as long as you like, within reason. I'm just not taking off any clothes or touching you until you do, and we are on your time, so take 15 minutes to talk if you like. Just my personal policy.
rcinokc's Avatar
There are some situations, usually found when shopping places other than here, where walking away is acceptable and encouraged. If you've done your research you should have a good idea what you are getting into here, and walking away after a lady has blocked time for you is pretty much a dick move.
Grace Preston's Avatar
For me.. I don't show my face, so I've always had a policy that if a gent does not like what he sees, he's free to turn and walk away at the door, no questions no problems. However, once you're in my bedroom... that's another story.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-01-2015, 10:37 AM
Hopefully you have done your research already. This is not exactly like a "store" and both parties have a responsibility to do appropriate homework in order to make the process work well.

If there had been misrepresentations--her profile said she was a 20 y/o 5'1" blonde and she is 6'3" brunette in her 40s--or you have safety issues because of the look of the room, I can understand. But in general I do not expect you get a 15 min "see how it works out". Would you give her the same 15 min to check you out and send you packing?

You have more resources to check before meeting than she does. She owes you now "insurance policy" to make up for poor research on your part. And if it a "no info is available BPD kind of situation, why then you rarely get guarantees with shot in the dark bargain hunting.
King DngALng's Avatar
Would not be a problem for me, personally. Hold onto that donation as long as you like, within reason. I'm just not taking off any clothes or touching you until you do, and we are on your time, so take 15 minutes to talk if you like. Just my personal policy. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
Thank you for the response. That is exactly what I expected a reasonable person to say. You're cool in my short, unwritten book.
King DngALng's Avatar
Thank you everyone for your responses. I appreciate you taking the time to help me out because I'm new to this hobby in the states. There is no 'window shopping' or 'return policy' here.

Before this gets out of hand, let me try to clarify my question. I'm not looking for a test drive. I'm just basically doing a quick check. I'm only looking for a few things. Business can proceed as expected if she looks fairly similar to the photos, has a positive, inviting attitude, the place is clean and doesn't smell repulsive. If all of those boxes are checked, then I'm satisfied.
King DngALng's Avatar
There are some situations, usually found when shopping places other than here, where walking away is acceptable and encouraged. If you've done your research you should have a good idea what you are getting into here, and walking away after a lady has blocked time for you is pretty much a dick move. Originally Posted by rcinokc
I understand your point and I have no intention of being a dick. I like for both parties involved to have a good time. In business, it should be mutually beneficial to both parties. I have only had to walk away from one provider that I found here and when I did, I compensated for her time that I wasted. I realized that she was missing out on potential income due to me being there and I left her with something. I also did not write a negative review. Maybe I didn't fulfill my responsibility to the community but I didn't want to hurt her business. I just chalked it up to a bad day. Everyone has those once in a while.
King DngALng's Avatar
Would you give her the same 15 min to check you out and send you packing? Originally Posted by Old-T
Yes. I would. After pre-screening and a text is received from her, I will send pics so that she can further decide if she'd like to see me. I believe that helps both of us. I have been turned away at the door before due to appearance and wouldn't like for that to happen again.
ICU 812's Avatar
Do the research first.

Schedule with providers that are reviewed as reliable and you think you will be comfortable with. Be alert on the way over and approaching the meet site. If anything is in doubt stop. When you meet the provider, you should know that she is who you want to see. I hold the donation a few minutes while getting acquainted, then commit to the meeting or leave.

I have "aborted" a meeting. She looked run-down, really tired or maybe sick. Don't remember what I said; I am sure it was lame and awkward . . .but I left a "tip" of 20%-25% to make me feel better.

When in doubt—DON'T. This should apply to both parties.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Surely you realize that booking a provider is nothing like buying a car? We are professionals who offer our services by appointment only, and we don't get paid an hourly rate or salary to sit around and negotiate with clients like sales people do.

The idea that you could book an appointment, show up, and decide not to pay the lady the FULL RATE for her time is pretty ridiculous to me. Most professionals that work by appointment, such as doctors, masseuses, therapists, hair specialists, etc., all have cancellation policies. As a matter of fact, for many of them (and many of us providers), you owe the full amount of the appointment or a significant cancellation fee if you cancel with less than 24 hours notice. Whenever I book a professional massage at a hotel spa, for example, this is always the policy. Why would I think it was okay, in light of this, to show up, and after receiving five minutes worth of massage, refuse to pay and leave? Even if I am uncomfortable and decide not to receive the massage, I still owe for the masseuse's time reserved. You are paying a provider for her time and companionship, not her pussy. If you've gotten five minutes into an appointment, you have no right to leave without paying (unless the lady willingly excuses you from your responsibility to compensate her, which is completely different).

Bait and switch is another issue entirely. That's NOT what I'm referring to here. But you should be able to tell in much less than 5 minutes if the lady answering the door is not who she says she is. If you're just stunned and it takes you five minutes to decide to leave what is CLEARLY a bait and switch situation, ok, I can't judge- I've never been in that situation exactly. But the case of a bait and switch or misrepresentation on the part of the provider should really be the only excuse.

Of course, some providers don't have cancellation fees and operate only very minimally by appointment. Those providers might just be waiting around all day for appointments and not really mind if you choose not to follow through with yours. Maybe she host Incall at her own place and doesn't have to put out hundreds of dollars to host your meeting, so it's not really a problem for her. But just don't assume that every provider operates this way. And don't be surprised if walking out of appointments five minutes into them without paying gets you blacklisted.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-02-2015, 10:01 AM
Thank you everyone for your responses. I appreciate you taking the time to help me out because I'm new to this hobby in the states. There is no 'window shopping' or 'return policy' here.

Before this gets out of hand, let me try to clarify my question. I'm not looking for a test drive. I'm just basically doing a quick check. I'm only looking for a few things. Business can proceed as expected if she looks fairly similar to the photos, has a positive, inviting attitude, the place is clean and doesn't smell repulsive. If all of those boxes are checked, then I'm satisfied. Originally Posted by King DngALng
To me, those specific items you point out--safety, cleanliness, is as advertised--are all reasonable, and all basically discernable in a minute or two. To me, those are all valid reasons to turn and walk away. But again, with reasonable research and care they should almost never happen.
joesmo888's Avatar
doing your homework before going in is very important. finding a girl off BP with no track record and you are gambling in the first place. so be smart and you will avoid these situations
I guess I should amend what I posted. If you show up and decide to leave without leaving me something for the inconvenience, you would most definitely be blacklisted for being a timewaster... I'm just not going to tell you that you can't do it. As long as the gent is willing to accept the consequences, my policy is to let them leave without a fight and without demanding money they don't offer. No amount of money is worth getting my face punched in or the cops called.
I have absolutely no problem if a gentleman walks away politely. I won't get my feelings hurt. You can't be all things to all people. I won't take it personally.