Why in the fuck did Rosenstein offer his resignation, and why didn't Trump accept?

  • pxmcc
  • 09-25-2018, 05:04 AM
If i'm Rosenstein, i say, fire me, you big fat orange blowhard, and set off the Saturday night massacre leading to your impeachment and disgrace into perpetuity.

so, why the hell offer a resignation like you're a goddam man-bitch? is he, in fact, a man bitch?

and, i leave the second question to ya'll. but if the biatch offers his head on a silver platter, waddaya say, beware the greeks bearing gifts, to whit, tormentors' heads on a silver platter??

i say fuck that. if i'm the orange-clown-in-chief, i say, "thank you sir, and good day to you.." (and good riddance, to boot..)
Because he didn't want Trump to use his bear spray on him?
  • pxmcc
  • 09-25-2018, 06:11 AM
Because he didn't want Trump to use his bear spray on him? Originally Posted by DeepPurple
Trump's bear spray is dyed orange, and therefore, totally ineffective..
Trump's bear spray is dyed orange, and therefore, totally ineffective.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Too bad we all don't have bullshit repellant spray on us. You wallow in it.
mikemendez's Avatar
He's back once again.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Trump was addressing the UN today in NY.
Did a damn good job.
Rod fucked up. He knows it.
Because he's tired of taking Trump's BS on a daily basis for $200k/yr. when he will get immediate partner status and $1M+ anywhere he wants to go. Also, probably guesses that if he leaves, Trump can't do anything about Mueller at this point without giving the look of a coverup, so whatever damage is done and he will get credit for appointing Mueller if anything comes out of it.
Because he's tired of taking Trump's BS on a daily basis for $200k/yr. when he will get immediate partner status and $1M+ anywhere he wants to go. Also, probably guesses that if he leaves, Trump can't do anything about Mueller at this point without giving the look of a coverup, so whatever damage is done and he will get credit for appointing Mueller if anything comes out of it. Originally Posted by targaman85
The DEAD Mule...er investigation has WASTED many millions for what...no Trump indictment yet.
Possibly many more millions and many more years and...WALLA!!
No problem taxpayer money...
Yssup has been praying sense before in inauguration
With Trump being in office is this what they referred to as..end of days!!
I'm sure you were complaining in the same way about the 2.5 years and $7.8M spent on Benghazi? Funny how the guy heading that is now one of the loudest mouths in Congress calling for Mueller to "wrap it up".

I'm sure you were complaining in the same way about the 2.5 years and $7.8M spent on Benghazi? Funny how the guy heading that is now one of the loudest mouths in Congress calling for Mueller to "wrap it up".

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...down/95336692/ Originally Posted by targaman85
You're right why would we give a rats ass about our people in Benghazi...they were expendable!!:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqw6hg96kE0-wink:
Soooo....you feel the end result of the 2.5 yrs and the $7.8M were worth it? It took longer and cost more than the investigations of Pearl Harbor, JFK, Watergate, or 911. For what? Are you putting greater value on the Benghazi lives than the 4400 in Iraq? I don't remember much of an investigation on the F'up that lead to the search for WMDs in Iraq that never materialized.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-27-2018, 12:59 AM
How long were we dealing with the Monica situation? We went a long way over a bj. The trump Russia thing much bigger deal than the blow job was.
  • pxmcc
  • 09-27-2018, 04:09 AM
The DEAD Mule...er investigation has WASTED many millions for what...no Trump indictment yet.
Possibly many more millions and many more years and...WALLA!!
No problem taxpayer money...
Yssup has been praying sense before in inauguration
With Trump being in office is this what they referred to as..end of days!! Originally Posted by bb1961
no indictment not because Trump hasn't committed a felony-he has-but because Mueller (a lifelong Republican btw) is a by the book federal prosecutor who believes-wrongly it turns out-that you can't indict a sitting president. you can, and you should...

"Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up..."
Soooo....you feel the end result of the 2.5 yrs and the $7.8M were worth it? It took longer and cost more than the investigations of Pearl Harbor, JFK, Watergate, or 911. For what? Are you putting greater value on the Benghazi lives than the 4400 in Iraq? I don't remember much of an investigation on the F'up that lead to the search for WMDs in Iraq that never materialized. Originally Posted by targaman85
What is your next song and dance...
Please tell me how much longer and how my more millions before we get the Trump indictment...Hummmm
How long were we dealing with the Monica situation? We went a long way over a bj. The trump Russia thing much bigger deal than the blow job was. Originally Posted by Trey
Won't be long and...Trump indictment coming ANY day now...