Harris wants Trump to be free to talk


Kamela thinks that Donny Diaper is a gronup man, and that he doesn't need to have his hand held during the September 10th debate on ABC (which Trump agreed to debate with anyone 'over 15%' in the polls months ago).
She wants his microphone to remain unmuted, unlike previous debates (both this year, and in 2020) where each candidate had a set amount of time for them to speak before their microphone cut off.

Why would anyone be in favor of forcibly silencing people during the debate?
Let the moron talk!
Let the moron interrupt her!
Let the moron give snide side comments while Harris is speaking.
Let the moron show the world his true colors during the debate! You're an adult, Donald. Can we trust you to act like one? Your aids, your handlers, Donald, they don't think you can. They are in favor of SILENCING YOU! While Kamela Harris wants you to be free to vomit any amount of nonsensical trash, just so you shoot yourself in the foot and fumble your touchdown from the other side of the field.
Be careful what you wish for. His cult suck all that up. Curious to see how it will be attended.
So are you in favor of an open mic for both candidates, or not? Your comment is rather open ended.

Do recall that having muted microphones during the debates only started after Trump was in a bunch of debates and shown the world that he doesn't have any kind of gentlemanly etiquette or respect for anyone he's debating.
So it should be a push from his camp to want to go back to 'how things were', even if things only be the way they is because of your man doesn't know how to let other people talk in turn.
So are you in favor of an open mic for both candidates, or not? Your comment is rather open ended.

Do recall that having muted microphones during the debates only started after Trump was in a bunch of debates and shown the world that he doesn't have any kind of gentlemanly etiquette or respect for anyone he's debating.
So it should be a push from his camp to want to go back to 'how things were', even if things only be the way they is because of your man doesn't know how to let other people talk in turn. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
You said Kamala wanted an open mic. My opinion that might be a mistake. His following loves the insults and little put downs. If there’s a large attendance of Trump supporters they’ll be cheering every rude statement he makes.
I don’t know if it will help him, I personally think this election is Kamala’s to lose, but I’d still keep him muted.