Young Providers And Their Preferences

TravelinTony's Avatar
I've got the impression some (many?) of the young providers aren't too keen about seeing "mature" men. Yeah, I can understand it -- they'd all probably like their clients to be Justin Beeburr. The problem: I've seen one, and heard of another, who basically serve as a breathing blow-up doll -- it's like the old joke about the wife who, during sex, says "White...we need to paint the ceiling white".

I see guys get excited about the newest 20-something to arrive on the scene, but I tend to stick with mature providers. They seem to be MUCH better in terms of attitude.

Young ladies: develop your acting skills.
Develop your acting skills +1 - thats good stuff!

Come on though, just like the girls shouldn't judge all youngsters, you shouldn't judge all younger providers. I'm such a strong review advocate, if a girl is 21 and has proven time and time again that she knows how to entertain, converse, and get down like the big girls, she deserves the same level of appreciation no?
I don't think this has anything to do with being young.

I don't think the majority of providers know about review sites or care about providing good service. If a girl is doing this by force, for drugs, or out of desparation she is not going to care about your experience or her ho-rep.

Plus men are confused about what the term "experienced" means. Being promiscuous at a young age does not equate to being sexually skilled.
I don't think this has anything to do with being young.

I don't think the majority of providers know about review sites or care about providing good service. If a girl is doing this by force, for drugs, or out of desparation she is not going to care about your experience or her ho-rep.

Plus men are confused about what the term "experienced" means. Being promiscuous at a young age does not equate to being sexually skilled. Originally Posted by RandomBlkChick
hudpud11's Avatar
I completely agree. Age has nothing to do with the equation. Many years ago I saw a beautiful MILF(32) all natural, hard body, brick house. Although I do not have a tremendous amount of experince, that was hands down the worste appointment ever. She delt in real estate and said she did this on the side. I believe she had been doing it less than a year. Had I known that, I never would have gone.
Moral of the story: Age is nothing but a number
bladtinzu's Avatar
Hate to sound brash but like I could care what they prefer.. Cash is green.. Either you want it or you don't. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how that works now does it? They don't want it there are plenty of morally corrupt young ones who will. God belss them all........
Hate to sound brash but like I could care what they prefer.. Cash is green.. Either you want it or you don't. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how that works now does it? They don't want it there are plenty of morally corrupt young ones who will. God belss them all........ Originally Posted by bladtinzu
eh, to each their own.. but in my experience and from what I've seen, read, and heard, the cash is green mentality girls who take whatever call no matter if they want it or not usually result in disappointment.
bladtinzu's Avatar
eh, to each their own.. but in my experience and from what I've seen, read, and heard, the cash is green mentality girls who take whatever call no matter if they want it or not usually result in disappointment. Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
It is a lukewarm hole with a heartbeat.. Fills the need. Personally I can do without all the chit chat and stuff like that. I'm more straight to the point business. I don't fall for that whole allure bullshit and "oh but she's my friend" crap. Some weak guys do. I always get a giggle out of that. After all this isn't the dating game nor some episode of friends.. It is after all a business. I just treat it as such.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Many years ago I saw a beautiful MILF(32) all natural, hard body, brick house. Age is nothing but a number Originally Posted by hudpud11
a 32 year old is a MILF??? Damn, I am in trouble!! LOL

It is a lukewarm hole with a heartbeat.. Fills the need. Personally I can do without all the chit chat and stuff like that. I'm more straight to the point business. I don't fall for that whole allure bullshit and "oh but she's my friend" crap. Some weak guys do. I always get a giggle out of that. After all this isn't the dating game nor some episode of friends.. It is after all a business. I just treat it as such. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
What newer providers (and many time they are younger) have not learned is to be able to read your client. If I know Bladtinzi is a strip and fuck kind of guy, then when he walks in the door, I grab him, rip his clothes off, mount his ass and ride him hard and fast. ON the other hand, if I know there is a guy who is more lonely than horny, I will sit, talk, listen and slowly comfort his physical needs as well!

It is an art form.


It is an art form. Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
... and Lea is a master artisan.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Art maybe.. But what if they are very difficult to read?
It is a lukewarm hole with a heartbeat.. Fills the need. Personally I can do without all the chit chat and stuff like that. I'm more straight to the point business. I don't fall for that whole allure bullshit and "oh but she's my friend" crap. Some weak guys do. I always get a giggle out of that. After all this isn't the dating game nor some episode of friends.. It is after all a business. I just treat it as such. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
I get where you're coming from. Sounds like you like the PSE thrill instead of the GFE thing, and thats fine.. I've had a few like you, and enjoyed it, but only because the guy was just in for a hot fuck, not a chance to degrade a woman.. The way you talk, it seems you like the power of paying for a piece and knowing the girl is doing a job.. If that floats your boat, by all means stick your cock in any warm hole with a heartbeat..There are plenty of non humans that fit that bill...since they lack will, thought, and opinion, I'm sure they'd be less picky about letting it happen too!! Calling the GFE gents weak is a bit ridiculous, but hey, your title says it all huh ass hole?
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I am sure you are referring to Zombies!!


bladtinzu's Avatar
I get where you're coming from. Sounds like you like the PSE thrill instead of the GFE thing, and thats fine.. I've had a few like you, and enjoyed it, but only because the guy was just in for a hot fuck, not a chance to degrade a woman.. The way you talk, it seems you like the power of paying for a piece and knowing the girl is doing a job.. If that floats your boat, by all means stick your cock in any warm hole with a heartbeat..There are plenty of non humans that fit that bill...since they lack will, thought, and opinion, I'm sure they'd be less picky about letting it happen too!! Calling the GFE gents weak is a bit ridiculous, but hey, your title says it all huh ass hole? Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
No it is a business pure and simple. Anyone who thinks it is not is a fool. You can be friendly but no friends are made in business. When that happens your open to exploitation pure and simple. And that goes both ways.

What I hate to see is some poor guy suckered into the whole allure that "she's my friend" or "she would date me in real life if I wasn't married" bullshit. That is ridicululous right there. And weak. It is just a business after all...
Lea Madisson's Avatar
It is a business, pure and simple...

But it is also a business of creating illusions... PSE, the illusion you are getting a porn star, wild, forceful, pounding, aggressive... but the girl may not really be like that... an illusion is created to fit the desires of the customer. GFE - I am not their girlfriend, but I will be for however long they wish... an illusion is created. Do I enjoy some more than others.. sure. Does it get friendly at time... possible. You just have to define that boundary. Business is the way... you have some customers you like more than others. Some customers may also be "friends" within the business context.

Some guys may think "she would date me in real life if I wasn't married". They are few and far between in my experience. And, I agree they are "weak" (not the word I would use however) if they let the lines get blurred. But I have a number of guys who want the "friend" atmosphere when we are together.

It is just the illusion.

