Some people are just ugly (fat)! oops not nice

Why do some providers feel like they have to snotty and just downright rude? Does anyone else have a problem with this? I shouldn’t say it’s a problem, this has only happened only one other time. I stick with the moral: Treat others how you want to be treated.
I couldn't agree with you more on this one girl. Sometimes its just best to be quite if you don't have anything nice to say. The people that are rude and mean with eventually go away.
Lana Warren's Avatar
It's not just providers, it's alot of people in this generation! Instead of practicing the Golden Rule, it's the, "ME ME ME" sad! We caused it, so it should be left up to us to change it by not enabling bad behavior!
I think calling someone 'fat' is just as rude. You just put yourself on the same playing field as whoever it is you are talking about.

"Some people are just ugly" would have been more than sufficient. On your own advice, treat people the way you want to be treated.

Sometimes it's best just to ignore stupidity and rude behavior. There's way too much of it to worry about it.

Hope things get better for you.
For some reason, the A** Clowns always seem to rise to the top. Not only here, but in all walks of life, young or old, male or female, rich or poor, educated or priority.

Maintain a thick skin, continue to treat others as you'd like to be treated, and ignore the're the only one that has to look in the mirror and reconcile with yourself every day!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I'm not sure that I understand where this thread is going. It sounds like Brooke's getting on some providers for rude behavior but some of the replies seem to think that it happened to her (Brooke).

I'm confused and my head hurts and there have only been 4 replies......

Lana, speaking of "junior members"..........I have one, too.
Some people are just ugly (fat)! oops not nice
Oh the irony!
Hobbyfun's Avatar
It's funny you brought that up they was a show on last night called " What Would You Do" and they had a larger women sitting on a bench at the beach and three girls was calling her fat, pig and a lot of other stuff and only about 5 % of the people walking by stop and got on the young girls about it everybody else just looked and walk on both the large women and skinny girls were actors, it is sad that it happens in today's time, personally I think parents today are trying to be friends with they kids instead of being parents, like the old saying goes spare the rod spoil the child, A lot more tail paddling would go a long way I had my share and it did not mess my mind up, I don't think it did.
And the other thing you go to stores and kids back talking are thowing fits because they don't get there way.
ibechill's Avatar
Why do some providers feel like they have to snotty and just downright rude? Does anyone else have a problem with this? I shouldn’t say it’s a problem, this has only happened only one other time. I stick with the moral: Treat others how you want to be treated. Originally Posted by Brooke Daniels
So instead you call the provider in return ugly (fat)......

Yes I do know what you mean, it stinks, I had something like that happen to me very recently by another provider. But her size or face had nothing to do it.......actually, I had a few choice words for her way worst than yours.

You just got to breath and let it go! Its hard to do. But just try!
Mister Tudball's Avatar
What? And here I thought the ladies on this board were just one big happy sisterhood.
tsrv4me's Avatar
I'm FAT and thats the way it is, and several providers will attest to me being fat . .....but I'm fat and Happy ......Fat is relative how ever you look at it ....I have a lot of Fat relatives ...but I dont mention to others that they are fat ...T
Boom Boom's Avatar
...personally I think parents today are trying to be friends with they kids instead of being parents...

And the other thing you go to stores and kids back talking are thowing fits because they don't get there way. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
+1 on this. They are too worried about being liked by the kids instead of guiding them & instilling values/manners.
Wow nice title to the post.... not.
I agree with Dannie, you just stooped to that level you were referring to.

People can be ugly on the inside, and be rude etc
but as for appearance on the outside, being short, tall, fat, skinny -- that has nothing to do with how they treat others.

Dissapointed that you'd post this. I see where you're coming from, but still, you could have shown a little more tact in your posting style.
Is it time for a group hug?