Where do I click to make a review for a Provider?

Dscottfoto72's Avatar
I've just had me first experience here in San Antonio I want to leave a review for the provider. Where do I go to do this? Been searching for a couple days and just not figuring it out. Help please. Thanks. Dscottfoto72
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-12-2017, 06:33 PM
To submit a review use the button at the top of the appropriate review forum in the city where the visit took place. You will be presented with a form to fill out. Fill out all items in the form. Click on the Submit button at the bottom to post it when you are done.

Important! You may want to first compose the ROS part of the review offline in Notepad or Word or something else similar. Then when you go online to post the review copy and paste the composed ROS.

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Dscottfoto72's Avatar
To submit a review use the button at the top of the appropriate review forum in the city where the visit took place. You will be presented with a form to fill out. Fill out all items in the form. Click on the Submit button at the bottom to post it when you are done.

Important! You may want to first compose the ROS part of the review offline in Notepad or Word or something else similar. Then when you go online to post the review copy and paste the composed ROS.

This thread may be of interest to you...

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=14698 Originally Posted by Mokoa
Sorry. Guess I'm just a moron. Keep looking page to page for this.....

the button at the top of the appropriate review forum

If i am clear back at the eccie home page and the visit was in SanAntonio, where do I find this "appropriate review forum" page? Sorry to be so dense!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-14-2017, 01:39 AM
The following are the review forums for the San Antonio area...

Independent Provider Reviews - San Antonio
Agency Reviews - San Antonio
Spas/Studios/MP Reviews/Discussions - San Antonio
Strip Clubs Reviews/Discussions - San Antonio
Other Reviews/Discussions - San Antonio

If you look at the SA forum list...

SA Forum List

You will see that each of the review forums has a description that describe what kind of review belongs in it.
Dscottfoto72's Avatar
OK....Thanks so much for your guidance. And yes, I see how easy it was to find. I was just too dense to see it right in front of me. Anyway, posted my first review. Got a little long, so hopefully thats not a bad thing. I see some of the acronyms used and not sure what some are. I think I figured some out, but is there someplace that explains some of these??
Like my previous Question, I'm sure once I hear what they mean, it will seem obvious!

Like MSOG ?? guessing "multiple something orgasm something" MMs are tits? if theres a place to go for all the acronyms I'll study up. Headed to Houston next, then Mesa, then Sacramento so hopefully get the hang of this as I encounter new providers. Thanks again, Dscottfoto72
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-15-2017, 01:27 AM
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