LE at yoyo on glade

Buffalo Bob's Avatar
lLE at yoyo on Glade 915 on July 1
ntxguy's Avatar
They're inside yo yo or just parked out front? I called on Wednesday to make an appointment with Selena and was told she's on vacation for a month.
Buffalo Bob's Avatar
Inside.. 3 uniforms
Buffalo Bob's Avatar
They were checking posted certificates when I left
Buffalo Bob's Avatar
No vehicles outside
ntxguy's Avatar
Wel that really sucks.
Meeker_22's Avatar

Not good!
I just went by YoYo I was in the area @11:30 today. No marked police cars but a plain clothed male officer with police vest still in the parking lot. He was standing next to a female talking, I would assume it was a female officer. They were watching older Asian lady putting stuff in the back of her car, which was full of stuff. There was a small sign posted on the door but could not read it. Not confirmed but looks pretty closed, hopefully someone has a inside source for details.
They were checking posted certificates when I left Originally Posted by Buffalo Bob
Damn were you inside when they entered? Sounds like a lucky escape
  • AP51
  • 07-03-2022, 06:24 PM
I just went by YoYo I was in the area @11:30 today. No marked police cars but a plain clothed male officer with police vest still in the parking lot. He was standing next to a female talking, I would assume it was a female officer. They were watching older Asian lady putting stuff in the back of her car, which was full of stuff. There was a small sign posted on the door but could not read it. Not confirmed but looks pretty closed, hopefully someone has a inside source for details. Originally Posted by FredFlint
Went to Hurst yesterday to see an old friend and on the way back I stopped and walked past the spa. Sign said something ti the effect of closed by order of the City of Colleyville Code Compliance Enforcement office. Not sure of the exact wording didn't want to stand at the door and stare at it.
vigilant17's Avatar
�� take a picture and post it AP, you know the drill. Nothing was found and no one busted. Colleyville got their revenge, or whatever they wanted. Time will tell where this goes
  • AP51
  • 07-04-2022, 09:48 AM
Wasn't going to stand there and gawk or take pictures. There was a lot of traffic around there and since I no longer live in the HEB area I won't be going over there again until next month. Basically this is how they shut down sub-amps without going through all the legal hoops.
hrlee's Avatar
  • hrlee
  • 07-05-2022, 08:38 AM
Read the sign. They were closed due to code compliance violation.
If they going to shut down an amp, I'd rather they do it that way instead of raiding the place and ruining some poor customers life with a felony charge.
Of course they could just leave them alone....
The subamps are supposed to collect a signed paper form with type of massage and consent for the massage. Something like this

One of my regulars asked me to make a form for her recently. LE might have started enforcing these things given the number of reviews we see now with extras at subamps to put them on the radar.