Disputing the Charge

Is it safe to dispute an AMP charge because the massage and haggling was so bad that you ended up leaving but you had already paid for an hour? Probably not but just wanted to hear what could be the downside apart from not going back there ever
Best just to leave and write it off as a lesson learned. Lots of other places to go… just write a review or start a thread to share the information and TOFTT.
GoodTyme's Avatar
Just write it off and move on. Unless you like to get yelled out in a language probably foreign to you. If you are at a Sub-amp, don't tip until you feel the lady out at least. Then if the chemistry or situation is bad, just get up and walk out no tip. Your leftover DF is the tip.

Rarely ever will you get money back and if you do the amount of yelling normally just is not worth it. Plus it ruins it for the other mongers in the other rooms who may be having a nice relaxing massage.
amp2015's Avatar
Just walk away. Bad chemistry and unrealistic expectations.
vigilant17's Avatar
Interesting line of reasoning. This has more to do with how you position yourself in the initial conversation and thereby what reasonably moral stand you are able to take. Take it. Don't get yourself put onto a black list, they exist. Any owner is usually happy to avoid a confrontation that can bring bad will down the road, but you are not going back there. Do what you would do in Walmart.
Fair, I probably wasn't going to do it eventually but just wanted to hear everyone's opinion on this.
Best to swallow the humble pie and leave brother. A scene like that means potential banishment from there.

Should still tell the mms though if she is in the hallway once you leave