Pamelatoo's Avatar
Some of ya'll now me personally, some know me by phone,some know me by board only. But seriously...I have been playing on the boards for quite some time. (Not just providing) Now and only now have I witness such hatred and meaness amongs fellow hobbist. It used to be such a warm community of people. No its "she said he said"..Blah blah blah.
To the main concern.. LE.. They have been around since...I dunno...Forever. I really am disappointed in the 1 that "turned". I am disappointed that it wasnt takin on the chin and just move along. Slim to none she had alot to lose or alot to gain. Is all speculation.
Guess what..That (I guess) Didnt happen. It all is just a guessing game.
But for this "community of like minded people" We have to move on and focus on the good. Take precausions.
I won't tell you not to. This is not an LE won and boards such as this have lost. Although from most reactions it seems that way.
DeAnn has a really good grip on things. So If I cant say it right then I know she will.
I have never been know to be taken seriously so..I will leave you with this...There was this one time at band camp....
Have a great night.
I'm getting outta here for a couple of weeks. Hopefully everyone's cycles will be in a better place when I return

Pamela--will you send me crazy drunk emails sometimes while I'm gone?
Pamelatoo's Avatar
why not.
  • MrGiz
  • 03-08-2010, 02:01 AM
Let's do lunch! You know I luv ya
Sonoman's Avatar
I so agree. Now that's it's warming up I think I'll dig some worms and go fishing. Question is which river do I go to, the saline or the ouachita?
Lonesome's Avatar
Well stated, Pam!
Are you serious?
Chan have great fondness for woman with sharp wit and agile mind,
Madam Pamela. I do not believe you would fold under questioning.
Pam has hit it right on the head about these boards lately!! I have so many things that I would like to contribute...and made the mistake of doing so ONCE, but now I refrain. I deal with enough BS in my day-to-day life without inviting more from something taken out of context or said wrong on these threads.

I will definitely share info that needs to be shared with the ladies, as far as safety and referrals...but not much more.

Where's the love y'all!!! MUAH!!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Where's the love y'all!!! MUAH!! Originally Posted by ms. harley

If love had anything to do with it, wouldn't we be trying to entice y'all into long term relationships, rather than "paying you to leave" (as some guys like to put it)?


bcg (who has never paid a lady to leave; all the ladies he's known would be happy to leave his presence for free)

If love had anything to do with it, wouldn't we be trying to entice y'all into long term relationships, rather than "paying you to leave" (as some guys like to put it)?


bcg (who has never paid a lady to leave; all the ladies he's known would be happy to leave his presence for free) Originally Posted by bluffcityguy


If love had anything to do with it, wouldn't we be trying to entice y'all into long term relationships, rather than "paying you to leave" (as some guys like to put it)?


bcg (who has never paid a lady to leave; all the ladies he's known would be happy to leave his presence for free) Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Did Chan miss something? Thought hour was long term relationship, unless taking advantage of Half Hour Businessmans Lunch, or most cost effective Blow&Go Recession Buster Special(Don't F**k Around Be Hard When Ya Get Here.) Ancient Lawman love America.
Am greatly feeling absence of Ladies of Night, would trade Panama hat for a roll in the rice paddy.