Slightly embarrasing topic...

I wasn't sure what to put for the title...
But, think this topic needs to be addressed.

I am a giver and love to do it, but lately I've had a problem with men passing gas and not warning me while Im in the area.
I think a warning would be nice, or even a "give me a kiss for a minute" or maybe just an apology would work.
I know it can't be helped but still!
Any thoughts to this?
And sorry for the embarrassing topic.

Ictpssylvr's Avatar
Yes, a warning would be good. Also, tell me about the biscuits & gravy specials you mention in your sig line.
mojoworkin's Avatar
Who the hell would do that? Can't be helped? Seriously? Kick the guy out already! Rude, crude, and inexcusable.
bartipero's Avatar
By "when you're in the area", do you mean you're going north on I-135 near Kechi and someone in a strip shopping center blasted one, an SBD in a restaurant booth next to you, or perhaps the stall next door? Maybe you're giving your Clydsedales too much hay and need to run it out of them or stick a garden hose up their butts and turn it on. Lol (On second thought someone is probably looking for that, so scratch that.) No, I get it...pretty unbelievably bad behavior. Carry a liter with you -- or a can of Lysol--a few might get the hint...or fine them.
I find it unimaginable that someone would do that in that situation. I could see an accident on any person’s part if the activities were vigorous but for a guy lying there passive and unable to control himself is indeed repulsive. I have learned many unsavory things about the male gender and kind of feel ashamed to be one. When one looks at every provider dislikes section they all say poor hygiene.
Guys before you see a provider, GF, or doctor have a BM, wash thoroughly with a wash rag and soap and brush your teeth. Very simple principles to avoid an embarrassing situation, and if this happened to you, hopefully you would be embarrassed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
See what happens when you leave Wichita?
dirty dog's Avatar
Nerxt time shove a finger or two up there and tell him you will take them out when your finished.
Nerxt time shove a finger or two up there and tell him you will take them out when your finished. Originally Posted by dirty dog
LOL Bad idea! The idea is to discourage the behavior, not encourage it
ElumEno's Avatar
Can't believe someone would do that...
Wait on second thought after being on here for awhile, I can believe almost anything....

See what happens when you leave Wichita? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm sure it wasn't YOUR fault....
LoL. "Did I do that"
Wow... I knew guys can do some pretty harsh things but, letting loose with an air demon while a woman is in the room is bad enough. Doing it when she's inches away is damn near unforgivable!! I mean I know it is relaxing, but, damn!
Omahan's Avatar Originally Posted by royamcr
And I thought LOL was just an expression. I'm really LOL right now!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, this one was NOT my fault. But it sounds typical of KC guys.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Not quite about a fart, but touches on a similar topic. Fellas, you have to wash your ass!