Grammar 101: YAY!!!

Okay, first I'm not a grammar Nazi. I really don't care if anyone around me butchers the English language. However, being the "cheerleader" that I am, I use the word "Yay!" a lot. Even here my spell check is red lining that word.

For years I used "Yea!" instead of "Yay!" which is incorrect. I found a helpful site to help in the rare case that I'm confused on which word to use.

As for Yea/Yeah/Yay:
“Yea” is a very old-fashioned formal way of saying “yes,” used mainly in voting. It’s the opposite of—and rhymes with—“nay.” When you want to write the common casual version of “yes,” the correct spelling is “yeah” (sounds like “yeh” ). When the third grade teacher announced a class trip to the zoo, we all yelled “yay!” (the opposite of “boo”!). That was back when I was only yay big."

So, what other words do find are often misused?
London Rayne's Avatar
It depends where you live. I use "Yea" as well, because people who use "Yay" are usually Canadian. "Y'all" is not exactly a word either, but us southerners love using it. People from Europe spell "favorite" as "favourite." As long as a person knows the difference between "you're" vs. "your" and "then" vs. "than," makes no difference to me.

Many people talk slang or ghetto if you will, in public forums, but they are usually well versed on a website. It's not like most people would use those terms whilst writing an English paper, but I've always used "yea" and "y'all." Most people know the context is not correct, and simply don't care.
Y'all is a colloquialism, which is different than saying it's not a word. It's a perfectly acceptable word. Same thing with a Canadian "Eh?"

Just like in the south, we ask for a coke.

"What kind of coke?"
"A Dr. Pepper,"

is an exchange that makes complete sense to us.

Or fixing. As in, "I'm fixing to get my nails done," although to be honest, this is not an expression I use very often, whether I'm getting my nails done or not.

One of the strengths of the English language is its flexibility. It doesn't have a lot of pride, either, willing to absorb any foreign word which seems to make sense. It's the most spoken language in the world, even though it's only the 3rd most "1st language" after Chinese and Spanish (although this is off the top of my head).

I don't like to be a spelling or grammar Nazi, but there's no doubt egregious errors bug me. For example, I went apeshit on this thread just the other day.

Here's an Aussie who could be me, minus 20 pounds and the facial hair:

I don't like to hold people accountable for misspellings on a message board. We all have busy lives, and the important thing is the level of communication, not whether we have the proper subject/predicate agreement. Plus, I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination.

But I honestly don't think I could see someone who misspells everything on their marketing materials, especially if they're charging some kind of premium rate (and I don't imagine I'll ever see anyone who isn't charging at least somewhat of a premium rate) and alleging some level of sophistication.

Here's a handy chart I've shared on other message boards:

@proudoftexas - Oh good lord, I laughed so hard watching that video! I now love that man. <3 And I have to admit, I was cheering you on so much while reading your corrections of that website. Some of those would have irritated me as well, but you did correct one that made me shrug in indifference. Using three periods for ellipses and a fourth for the period at the end of the sentence is at worst antiquated and at best simply ignored by even the most grammatically stringent.

Thanks for starting a topic that is sure to get us grammar Nazis on our soap boxes, Jessica. Now you're responsible for unleashing the whole angry, intolerant lot of us. Haha. Just teasing.
Well, in my defense I admitted I was being nit picky.

It was all to impress you, Caroline, so mission accomplished, lol.

Thanks for starting the thread, Jessica. You're a lot of fun.
"Where are you?" does not require the word "at" to terminate the sentence.

"Where are you at?" is incorrect.

To, Too and Two

She's not "tone", she's "toned"!

"I could care less" Listen. If you could care less then you must care MORE. It is correctly stated, "I couldn't care less."

She has nice breast. There are two of them. She has nice breasts.

It is definitely - not definately, definitly or defiantly (unless you're into defiance).

FUCK YA is only permitted if you are Damaann. Otherwise, it's Fuck Yeah!

It is Chastity not Chasity.

It is Hobbyist like Lobbyist not Hobbeist, Hobbist or Hobbiest.

It is "I read her ad" not "I read her add".

You take a BREATH when you BREATHE.

Then there are cents, since, sense and scents.

I am tired of thinking of stupid words. I'll try to add two more before too long.
Good stuff!
Two more wouldn't be too many to raise board awareness.

1. Anyway is SINGULAR! It is not anywayS. That would be like saying "One timeS, we went to the zoo."

2. It's grammAr not grammEr.
Y'all is a colloquialism, which is different than saying it's not a word. It's a perfectly acceptable word. Same thing with a Canadian "Eh?"

Just like in the south, we ask for a coke.

"What kind of coke?"
"A Dr. Pepper,"

is an exchange that makes complete sense to us.

Or fixing. As in, "I'm fixing to get my nails done," although to be honest, this is not an expression I use very often, whether I'm getting my nails done or not.

One of the strengths of the English language is its flexibility. It doesn't have a lot of pride, either, willing to absorb any foreign word which seems to make sense. It's the most spoken language in the world, even though it's only the 3rd most "1st language" after Chinese and Spanish (although this is off the top of my head).

I don't like to be a spelling or grammar Nazi, but there's no doubt egregious errors bug me. For example, I went apeshit on this thread just the other day.

Here's an Aussie who could be me, minus 20 pounds and the facial hair:

I don't like to hold people accountable for misspellings on a message board. We all have busy lives, and the important thing is the level of communication, not whether we have the proper subject/predicate agreement. Plus, I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination.

But I honestly don't think I could see someone who misspells everything on their marketing materials, especially if they're charging some kind of premium rate (and I don't imagine I'll ever see anyone who isn't charging at least somewhat of a premium rate) and alleging some level of sophistication.

Here's a handy chart I've shared on other message boards:

Originally Posted by proudoftexas
Brilliant chart, proudoftexas.
London Rayne's Avatar

Granted, the word "y'all" might have been invented by us, but that does not make it any less offensive to an English Professor, even in the dirty south.

Here's my atf word:

Fu*ktard (noun)

A person of unbelieveable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing how and doing it wrong anyway")

NOT A CONTRACTION FOR "F*CKING RETARD"! Those who are truly "Retarded" are not responsible for their affliction. True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery. Most politicians for example.

One who would actually piss on a live transformer. One who would use a live .22 round for a fuse in their pickup truck "just cuz it fits" and then complain about it shooting them in the nuts.
Say What's Avatar

The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit. Originally Posted by Say What

How about punctuation. The difference between "helping your Uncle Jack, off his horse." And "helping your uncle jack off his horse."

Cause Gramps will kill you if you eat Grandma. lol
And let's not forget SPACING!

Is this Kid Sex Change or Kids Exchange??

and how about this one:

What's broken?