General impressions of "D" Spot

  • rcusa
  • 09-22-2023, 04:25 PM
The exterior of the club is delapidated. The area is sketchy. The interior is better, but not well maintained.

I was not charged a cover on the afternoon I visited, but an obnoxious parking troll came around the club at one point, demanding 5 dollars from each customer. There didn't seem to be any minimum number of drinks to buy.

The dancers are all Cuban, it seemed. They ignored the customers, choosing instead to sit in groups of 3 or 4, looking at their phones. When they danced onstage, they did not strip off any clothing. When they asked for dances (again, they mostly ignored the customers), they made it clear "dance only, no mas."

Of the 10 or so customers, I was the only one who ever tipped dancers at the stage. Most of the 20 dancers were rude and cold, but one was charming and kind. She is the oldest one I noticed, but in the best shape of any of them. We talked for awhile after her set, and she wants to be friends outside of the club, with no expectations that we would progress beyond friends. That's cool; she's a nice person. Most of the people here were more hostile than nice.

Summarizing: This is a bizzare and uncomfortable club. I cannot believe the things I have read here; neither the predictions of its demise, nor the suggestions that extras are common. But it was an okay visit, only because I eventually met a nice person.
I'm not sure what reviews your reading? No reviews of this place raves about upscale a upkeep establishment, no reviews stated that dancing on stage as your typical strip club with nudity. Hostile?? Well if your expecting waitress and dancer to come up to you and smile and act like they have your best interest in mind like ST.James or the ship then I agree. Because well the reviews speak for themself, go there not expecting to make friends, drink a inflated beer and relax. Thats what this place gives.
Michael8219's Avatar
Thanks for the clarification 32, the place sounds perfect and appreciate the idea of tipping parking dude - double as that works in very business transaction !
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not a review, moved from Strip Clubs
  • pxmcc
  • 09-23-2023, 07:40 AM
after i discovered the thing called the hobby, no more strip clubs for me. so unfortunately, i have no good recent intel to share. sorry..

and you shoulda cut your losses early. that vibe is hella no go..

pasadena has some great byob nude clubs-watch your liquor intake tho-and Onyx will have at least one really hot slim ebony with a rockin big booty, but usually more than one..