Curious on how much diet and other factors makes a difference in the taste of semen? You hear about it but is it really true? I've got some obsession with my cum tasting good, I don't really know what's that about as I don't taste my cum. must be part of my mid life crisis or something. Once, many years ago while in my 20's, I licked some off my g/f..I wasn't that impressed, tasted like bleach. Would like to try that again but there needs to be some serious attraction.
Originally Posted by Dondo7
I don't personally know except from a snowball and I couldn't taste much. As of 2 years ago, I am a diabetic and have been told it does taste sweeter. I know a diabetics sweat can smell fruity.
I do know that what you eat does matter. They say you are what you eat. I was going down on a girl that only ate spicy Mexican food and personally didn't like the taste or smell when she had an orgasm. Weird though because I ate a Mexican and loved it. My X would never go down on me if I ate fish that day or the day before. She said it tasted like fish and she doesn't like fish. Another one I was with had hypoglycemia and she tasted acidic to me.
I'm very sure these ladies will be able to tell you for sure.