Lies and Slander.

If anyone knows the real identity of "gypsypooner" who uses lots of different ID's on boards and is quickly banned or "Drumsticks" on TER, please let me know privately.

If I can find out who they are am contacting lawyer for possible slander actions from posts on TER.

No, I am not working with LE to get escorts arrested, the opposite.

To be clear I worked with LE twice mostly a decade or so ago:

1) When at least 12 escorts were almost killed by a choke hold, stuff stolen and raped I worked with Scottsdale PD and got gals comfortable coming forward resulting in a trial and attacker sentenced to 100+ years in prison. Escorts had no legal issues and were offered immunity. One who was threatened was offered police protection for trial via my talking to the county attorney after her frantic scared late night phone calls to me after receiving threats while in California.

2) When TER founder hired a hit man to kill a local escort and break my legs and raped companions I was interviewed by the Phoenix special crimes unit resulting in a trial and prison for Elms. No escorts had any legal risks.

gypsypooner and Drumsticks are posting that I turn gals into LE and get them arrested - obviously the opposite of the truth where I follow cases to warn about what not to do and how to not break the law.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Interesting but very old information. Why would chicks be fingering you as a snitch for LE with Intel. 8 years old? Is there something your not telling us?
Doc, not any companions only a very unstable guy. Gals know me as trustworthy and honest.

The attacker is well known to companions as a nut case. I now have extensive information on him.

On another board, he keeps spamming with silly attacks, lies, and fantasies. He posted by business, my address, and name etc. These posts were removed quickly and his many ID's get banned but uses TOR to hide IP so hard to ban until he appears.

I now have his complete information including zillions of court records, denial from removal from NICS FBI criminal system, refusal to terminate his guardianship status (J.M. his Guardian ad Litem) was declared incompetent to stand trial in a Scottsdale criminal matter, has been sanctioned between $30K and $50k for abusive litigation, tried to sue AZ ACCESS, at least 35 frivolous lawsuits, and all matters dismissed as frivolous in at least his two appeals by the Arizona Court of Appeals, including "In the Matter of Guardianship of X" case ending 0217, and 2nd appeal case ending in 0041 which references many other cases he has lost.

Have full description even his skin condition (born in Q. WA). Unlike him I do not publish his name or more detailed personal information, however, if his slander continues as it has on another board, I may turn over to an attorney to consider legal actions. The Courts have declared him a vexatious litigant and usually award attorney fees against him but being able to recover legal fees is doubtful since he mostly seeks free or cheap bareback sex, often just doing 15 min sessions if with a companion.
DocHolyday's Avatar
I can't fault the guy for trying to find cheap or free sex but good luck finding that on ECCIE or any other P4P site. That's why the chicks are here, P4P NOT F2P!!
hotrix1's Avatar
....if you would quit being Chicken Little, maybe they might leave you alone. If you quit shouting "the sky is falling", they might just ignore you. Lighten up.

Not taking any sides here Dave, but honestly, I can see why they'd pick on you. Not that I agree with anyone in particular.

Vexatious it is for all to witness.
Right Doc?
I only report FACTS so folks can try and avoid the risks. Not rumors, not fake news, not made up stories like some others.

I no longer post here often, since many here do not want to be informed they just want sex regardless of what LE is doing, the zillions of felony sexwork cases I follow etc. And of course its the wonderful women that take most of the risk, not the guys.