Not so Dazzling Shyla

Tried to see Shyla, who is visiting. Verified through p411 and then she sends an etiquette email with a million rules. It was like reading war and peace. Ladies have every right to set the stage, but fun out of the whole process was drained. She was also a bit unorganized in scheduling. I cancelled. Maybe others will have a better experience.
needingmilking's Avatar
This is not a review, and it shouldnt be in the review section. You should try to follow instructions.
PussySnob's Avatar
Interesting article
Poor guy
bowdown2me's Avatar
Just joined and posting something negative about a provider, "Seems Legit"
The reason why Shyla and other ladies have to send an etiquette email/message with lots of rules is because there are lots of guys out there who don't follow basic common sense and decency when it comes to meeting & interacting with these ladies.

No one should have to tell you that you need to enter a session with a groomed freshly showered body plus deodorant and a minty fresh mouth. That you need to provide the full donation for the time at the beginning of the session. That you need to respect the time allocated to you and make sure you don't overstay EVEN IF the lady herself isn't watching the clock. That you need to respect her boundaries and her rules and make her feel safe with you. After all, you're a strange man alone with her and you're physically much stronger than her. That you arrive at the session sober and in your senses.

All this shouldn't have to be said. Unfortunately, in reality, it does have to be said because so many guys don't do the right thing. These providers are doing us a favor by sending us this etiquette list. They're telling us how to behave so that we can maximize our enjoyment of the session. Isn't that what we guys want? Shyla probably sends this etiquette list to every man who contacts her so don't take it personal. She's trying to help you, not insult you.
Batman's Avatar
This is an opinion board and I think the OP has every right to express his.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Most ladies have this page on their website however most guys don't read the website and only go for pics. I think it's cool that she takes the time to send it out.

There could be great Intel on there that might make you incompatible and nice to know before time and money is wasted. You could still gamble and not read it.

I get your point if it is only a "no" list, there should be fun stuff too!
This is an opinion board and I think the OP has every right to express his. Originally Posted by Batman
Yes he does have that right....and the ladies here will have the right to refuse to see him based on his reaction to being shown rules and etiquette. Sometimes people’s reaction to being corrected or shown something to actually help them will reveal tons about their character and how they handle themselves in certain situations