how do u feel about changing time after appointment has started?

giasanto38ddd's Avatar
well... I am very concerned with my clients getting what they want from me and about 90% of my business is repeat clientel i have had 2 differant situations happen with similiar not problems but just question on whats right
situation 1: repeat client wanted appointment i suggested hour instead of half hour (which is what we did previouse time) he said sure as long as i stayed whole hour i said ok but still only one round we started appoinment and he suggested pre action shower together i said cool (normally would not do unless it was a hour and half or longer apt but since he has seen me before and was doing additional time than normal i wanted him to really enjoy) so we ended up rond one in about 25minutes i then sat down to converse normally i leave but he expressed before appointment started he wanted wholennhour of my time and i wanted to make sure ikept my end of after about 3minutes of talkinghe was like well guess i didnt need hour so im gonna just give half hour donation if thats ok... i said nbo not really its not ok you booked a hour ( i did have another call i could have done with a new client but i didnt) he then gave me hour donation and i left but it was kind of awarked i really enjoy time with this client and appreciate him seeing me repeatedly...
QUESTION: was i wrong not to just take half hour donation? i dont feel so but i would like some other opinions maybe i was wrong

SITUATION 2: I had appointment with new client i dont advertise gfe because i never gaurentee it its only availible on case by case situation with very very regular clients after i have gotton comfortable with now when he got there i could tell thats what he wanted he said it was ok he knew i didnt offer it now through out the session he was still trying kisses after about 35 minutes of playing i felt he was not enjoying it he booked 90 minutes and i said i dont think im what you want and i dont want to waste your time if you would like to just do hour instead of 90minutes i understand he said no he did not want to shorten his time he was enjoying himself regardless we eventually had a happy ending

QUESTION:was i wrong to try to shorten time? would i be wrong if situation was different and ended the appointment all together? as long as i gave partial refund?
ps sorry so LONG im trying to learn to write shorter i just have trouble getting it all out there lol
I think this is one of those things where it would be on a case by case basis.

In the first scenerio, since it was not your idea to end the session early I think it is tacky for the client to want to give you less than you agreed upon. He knew he booked an hour, if only one pop was in the cards then he should've spaced it out to last longer. Often times though clients do not think of things like, "she passed up another session that wanted to book the same time." Him not thinking of things like that could make it seem like a fair deal to him, when in fact you would be losing money since surely if you knew he only wanted 1/2 hour you would have booked the other client instead.

Now in the 2nd sitution, since it was your idea that you wanted to end the session early, then yes that is way cool of you and very reasonable to reduce the session fee to time spent. It wouldn't be fair to the client who pays for 90 minutes if it is truly the providers idea that she wants to end the session early.

So from my point of view, to sum it up, if the client books a certain amount of time and then he decides halfway through the session he is done and the provider has not done anything wrong or out of line to make him want to leave then he still owes her for the full time booked because he does not know what business opportunities she has passed up in order to accomodate him. If the provider decides to end a session and it is truly her idea (and the client hasn't done anything totally out of line, because if he does something crazy-stupid that changes the whole sitution) then it would be wise for her to give him some of the fee back and just keep for time spent.

I have had it happen where we booked multi-hours and after marathon love-making and multi-pops both of us were just finished, and I gladly adjusted the rate according to time spent, because I was SPENT!

It's always good practice to be fair, but fair goes both ways. That's why I said take it on a case by case basis. It sounds like in both situations it ended up "fair," although I am intrigued why someone would want you to stay when you clearly wanted to go.
I don't think you were "wrong" in the first scenario since that was your agreement. But, I do suspect you made a bad business decision. You say you appreciate this customer, but actions speak louder than words. And, when you had the chance to show your appreciation by agreeing to his request to change the session to a half hour, you held him to the agreement. I don't think his request was unreasonable coming from a repeat customer. I know if I were that customer, that would dampen my desire to see you again. I'm not saying you should do whatever the customer wants; nobody runs their business that way. But, in a business that is all about personal interactions, I'd think the smart move would have been to do whatever is reasonable to keep your customer happy.

In the second scenario, if you really felt that the customer wasn't enjoying it, I don't see anything wrong with telling him that it would be OK for him to cut the session short if he wanted to. Even if you just wanted to get rid of him, I don't think it's wrong to tell him that's it's OK with you to cut the session short if he wanted to; in that situation, you really don't care whether he ever wants to repeat. If you cut the session short without his agreement and he's done nothing wrong, then I definitely think you owe him money back. How much depends on how far along things have gone and what y'all think is fair. Just my opinions.
In the first scenario, I personally feel that if a guy pays for an hour I think he should have as many rounds as he wants. It's his time, he paid for it. That's just my opinion though. If he booked an hour then he should pay for an hour (instead of asking if he can just pay your 30 min rate) but I'm not in agreement with your pay-per-pop policy. It will cost you some really great regular clients in the long run.

In the second scenario, I applaud you for being so forthcoming about being YMMV. You did the right thing by offering him an "out" if he wasn't happy with the level of service you were providing him. Good of you to offer that to him.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 03-29-2011, 06:52 PM
Ahhh Grasshopper - but how you feel if client book for 30 minutes and then wants to change to one hour? With appropriate pay of course.
Dannie, I totally agree about the pay for pop being limiting, but as long as the client knew about it up front then I think they should've paced the session to ensure the pop would be closer to when the hour was going to be up. My original post, before I submitted it, I had asked Gia if she allowed MSOG but then I re-read her post and deleted my question because from her wording it looks as if the client knew up front about it only being one pop.

My one suggestion to Gia is that if you only allow one pop per hour is to go light on activities that cause the pop until at least halfway through the session. Keep mixing it up and changing positions, give the little head some rest every five minutes or so. I got into a rut a few years back where I LOVED to do half-hour GFE sessions and after doing so much of that I had to retrain myself to "slow down and smell the roses" when doing full hours. Kinna off topic but I hope that helps!
Ahhh Grasshopper - but how you feel if client book for 30 minutes and then wants to change to one hour? With appropriate pay of course. Originally Posted by Go4it
For me that causes an akwardness that can only be avoided by you silently getting up (after asking me if I have extra time to spare), going to your wallet, and adding to the donation. To have to start talking about money in the middle of a session is my ultimate buzz-kill. The fear that you do not have extra cash with you and I will get taken advantage of is too great for there to be any other solution.
As far as your second situation, I don't feel you were wrong for offering a shortened session since you felt he wasn't enjoying himself.

As far as your first situation, I'm NOT an MSOG guy so I always go into a session knowing that when I'm done, I'm done no matter how much time is left. But if the guy cums 10-20min into the session and wants to keep fucking until his time is up, what's the big deal! I mean, if he doesn't get a second nut by the time the session ends that's his problem, but what's wrong with letting him try?
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
pretty good feedback im taking it all into consideration far as multipops i do offer it very reasonably in my 90 minute 2 and 3 hour sessions...honestly it may keep me from getting certain clients but since i do not offer gfe my rates are considerably low(in my opinion) i have some clients who use the whole hour for one pop and if they want 2 they have to get 90minutes or 2 hours also unlimited for anything over 2 hours... now my 30 minute session thing what about the fact we spent a considerable amount of time "playing" in the shower which i generally would not have done for 12*
LovingKayla's Avatar
I never understood why a guy wouldn't want to just have a nice slow after action bj for about 25 min. If he booked an hour and then finished early, there are plenty of things to do for the rest of the time. This is where the customer service comes in. You say, oh my darling, why would you want to leave after only 30 min just because capt winkie finished one time?

I don't think you were incorrect in either situation.
pretty good feedback im taking it all into consideration far as multipops i do offer it very reasonably in my 90 minute 2 and 3 hour sessions...honestly it may keep me from getting certain clients but since i do not offer gfe my rates are considerably low(in my opinion) i have some clients who use the whole hour for one pop and if they want 2 they have to get 90minutes or 2 hours also unlimited for anything over 2 hours... now my 30 minute session thing what about the fact we spent a considerable amount of time "playing" in the shower which i generally would not have done for 12* Originally Posted by giasanto38dd
I really don't mean to bash you ... or come off sounding like an a**, but I can understand the guy's frustration and sense of "being taken" to an extent.

First, repeat client and it was YOU who suggested an hour appt instead of the half-hour the two of you had enjoyed on prior occasions. If you are going to suggest an extended session, I would think it is, to a great extent, your responsibility to ensure that the two of you ENJOY the extended time.

Second, you mention you two spend a considerable amount of time "playing" in the shower, and I guess everything is relative, but how much time could you have spent if the session was basically over in 25 minutes?

I respect everyone's right to run their business and their life as they see fit, but if you had "talked me into" an hour session instead of a 30 minute session I had originally called you to schedule, and then it ended after 25 minutes, I would be upset.

Good luck and hope you much success in the future
Hmmm...somewhat of a tough call. If a gentleman had booked an hour with me and decided to leave early, he should probably compensate the lady for the entire hour.

If I were the one who convinced him to book an hour when he only requested 30 minutes, I would make SURE that he was on my table for an hour!

If HE booked 30 minutes and decided to stay for the entire hour, I would gladly extend the time provided it didn't interfere with my scheduled folks following him.

Popping early DEFINITELY doesn't matter to me concerning the amount of time booked! You get the amount of time that you booked. Of course, sometimes I lose track of time! LOL!

diud-diud's Avatar
In a strict "fair trade practices" sense you were correct in both cases. From a customer service aspect I think you did much better in the second scenario.

Here is why I say that. You talked him into spending more time=money than he originally wanted to. My guess is because of this very situation, where he would have more time than he needed or would enjoy, he only wanted the half hour. To his credit he suggested the shower, which I would think would be to fill up the time, but still came up very short. You could have recognized that you did have a role in the situation occurring like it did and maybe split the difference between the hour and 1/2 hr rate with him just to show him you appreciate his repeat business.

Any other business if a sales person talked me into buying more than I wanted or needed, I would like them to make up the difference. If they did I would feel I was treated very well and go back. If not I would not really say I was wronged, but I wouldn't go back.
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
oh yea also after the main even was over i offered did he maybe want a massage to talk hang out then what?
diud-diud's Avatar
oh yea also after the main even was over i offered did he maybe want a massage to talk hang out then what? Originally Posted by giasanto38dd
Gia, don't get me wrong, I think you were in the right. He agreed to the hour after some coaxing and you would have stayed for the hour. I'm just saying you may have missed a customer service opportunity.