In The Upcomming Census, Respondents Will Be Asked Citizenship Status......

How dare the Government wanting to know a person's citizenship status.

19 States are already getting ready to file lawsuits.

I wonder how many Countries that take a census ask this question?

Perhaps a simple "no comment" would suffice.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Just goes to show how desperate the Dems are to stay in power that would sell out their own country.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the question was on the census 70 years ago. where was the outrage then?
Hotrod511's Avatar
It was removed in 2010 imagine that, who would of done that
How dare the Government wanting to know a person's citizenship status.

19 States are already getting ready to file lawsuits.

I wonder how many Countries that take a census ask this question?

Perhaps a simple "no comment" would suffice. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I wonder if they'll ask how many Firearms you have, including cal. make and model.

winn dixie's Avatar
It was removed in 2010 imagine that, who would of done that Originally Posted by Hotrod511
This question answered by the odumba community organizer group
How dare the Government wanting to know a person's citizenship status. Originally Posted by Jackie S
How dare they? HOW DARE THEY NOT!
The census is used to apportion a # of seats in the House of Represntatives.. SINCE THOSE PEOPLE are voted on BY The citizenry, WHY SHOULD THERE BE MORE There than voters? Why should illegal aliens count?

Also, since federal funds for state budgets and programs are apportioned based on the census as well, WHY should illegal aliens count?
PLUS THEY USED TO DO THIS up till the 50s anyway. SO why was it ok back then but "WAA the sky is falling" now days?

Perhaps a simple "no comment" would suffice. Originally Posted by Jackie S
To me, refusing to answer should be just as bad as lying on it..

Just goes to show how desperate the Dems are to stay in power that would sell out their own country. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That's why its mostly DEM communities who've been expanding the vote TO illegal invaders..
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Commerce Department said that between 1820 and 1950 almost every decennial census asked a question on citizenship in.

that's very interesting! wonder why they didn't continue this after 1950.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
How dare they? HOW DARE THEY NOT!
The census is used to apportion a # of seats in the House of Represntatives.. SINCE THOSE PEOPLE are voted on BY The citizenry, WHY SHOULD THERE BE MORE There than voters? Why should illegal aliens count?

Also, since federal funds for state budgets and programs are apportioned based on the census as well, WHY should illegal aliens count?

PLUS THEY USED TO DO THIS up till the 50s anyway. SO why was it ok back then but "WAA the sky is falling" now days?
Originally Posted by garhkal
counting everyone including illegal and legal aliens has a valid statistical purpose.

however for apportionment of federal seats, american citizens should be counted. illegal and legal aliens should not be counted at all; they are not allowed to vote as per federal law. see the california thread about the fuck up with legal aliens voting when they're not supposed to.

state district apportionment may be based on the count of american citizens and legal aliens. illegals should not be counted at all.

as long as there is a court ruling that services must be provided to illegals, illegals have to be counted so that states and other business know what to budget for.
themystic's Avatar
Lets take the census on workers at Trump hotels, golf courses and resorts

Like everything, TrumPutin is a phony motherfucker

Why are most TrumPutin products made in other countries

You worms who voted for him may realize one day that he conned you
  • grean
  • 03-28-2018, 06:48 AM
Maybe they just want to know where illegals live so they don't have to hunt for them.

Maybe it's a test, if you're illegal and also dumb enough to answer, you're not the brain trust we want in the country.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Good to know not all Californians have taken leave of their "senses"...
LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe they just want to know where illegals live so they don't have to hunt for them. Originally Posted by grean
You've never answered a census questionnaire I see.

In California their location is already known from their voter registration information, which must match their CALIFORNIA driver's license. Or in California that information is available from their "Federal NonCompliant Registration Card"!

So when the California NutCase AG starts his whining lawsuit about "rights of privacy" his own laws can be rolled into a large tube and shoved up his California Poop Chute!
texassapper's Avatar
Just goes to show how desperate the Dems are to stay in power that would sell out their own country. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Shit they did that a LOOOOONNNNGGGGG fucking time ago.
Supporting Alger Hiss
Supporting the NVA govt.
Supporting disarming against the USSR
Carter giving the go-ahead to Khammeni with Iranian Revolution
Ed Keennedy back-channeling to USSR to work against Reagans election
Clinton selling missile tech to China (who we are bound for a shooting match with)
Clinton anti-nuke deal with NORKs (how'd that work out?)
Obama giving the Iranians $ and an OK to develop nukes

The list goes on and fucking on....
texassapper's Avatar
Lets take the census on workers at Trump hotels, golf courses and resorts Originally Posted by themystic

Like everything, TrumPutin is a phony motherfucker Originally Posted by themystic
As opposed to Hillary Clinton? hah that's funny.

Why are most TrumPutin products made in other countries Originally Posted by themystic
Why are ALMOST ALL products made in China these days, fcuktard?

You worms who voted for him may realize one day that he conned you Originally Posted by themystic
Considering the state of the economy now compared to Obama I'll take the con job anyday, dumbass.