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Just search here for Chloe or sexy chloe you’ll find your answers that you need
Yep, that’s Chloe, she has mixed reviews... ymmv
Sexy Chloe

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Caucasian. Blonde. 5’2, Slender - Curvy. Enhanced. Early-Mid 30s.

Reviews: 106 Positive, 17 Negative, 7 Ghost/No Call No Show.
Sexy Chloe was going to be the first provider that I saw in the Panhandle. She’s ghosted me twice.

Attempt 1

I make an appointment for 1 p.m.

I get there 10 minutes early. She asks me if I have any condoms as she is out. I say no, but I’ll take you to get some.

One excuse after another. I tell her to meet me outside. She is giving me all these excuses, and is making me nervous.

I can’t be seen by the staff, etc. She told me where to park, and it makes me even more uneasy since I have to wait for a long time.

Basically, I’m parked where everyone can see me. You ever feel like a sitting duck? That’s how I felt. After one hour, I said fuck it. If she can’t get out of her hotel room to my car, it’s not going to happen. That should take five minutes tops to make that walk.

I told her that I’m leaving.

Attempt 2.

She had a series of good reviews, so I decided to try again. This time I brought my own condoms.

I text her, and talk to her on the phone. We make an appointment for 10 a.m.

I told her that I’m on a tight schedule, and I can’t afford her to be late.

No problem, she says.

She texts, her Uber is running late.

Then she texts and says I’m by the Target.

She also tells me, Don’t park in the hotel parking lot.

So, I drive to Liza Jackson Park.

I haven’t heard from her. She is an hour late, and messaged me. Basically, she’s stalling.

She then asks where I’m at? She was looking for me.

Remember, she told me to not to park at the hotel. What a dumb bitch.

I tell her I’m leaving.

She replies that she just paid for the hotel, and house cleaning is cleaning it now.

So, I turn back around. I’m trying to talk to her. I call her. I text.

Then she asks if I saw the police cars on 98? Yes, they were there to catch speeders.

She got spooked and called me a cop. She told me she was going home.

So, I wasted an hour and a half.

Sometimes, I want to try her again, but I think about how she’s burned me. Once I remember how unprofessional and flaky she is, it’s enough to knock sense into me.
Don’t waste your time with her nothing spectacular seen her a while back when she was in Pensacola had to wait around for an extra 30 min even when she said she was ready tits were nice but that’s the only good thing about the visit
I won’t, bro. I’d rather take two to the chest than see her.
Sexy Chloe is the boss fight of the Ghosts of the Panhandle.

She’s the Queen Ghost.