BET Founder Robert Johnson Sticking With Trump

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

BET Founder Robert Johnson Sticking With Trump: Debate Was "Waste Of Time," But "I Will Take The Devil I Know"

BET founder Robert Johnson told CNBC that the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden this week was like a "schoolyard fight" and he did not learn anything from it. He did not outright endorse President Trump, but said as a businessman he is "more comfortable with the devil I know."

"I can't tell you who won, but I can tell you who lost -- the American people."

"It was a waste of an hour and a half that gave no guidance, no direction at all as to where the country will go after this election... Where I come out as a businessman, I will take the devil I know over the devil I don't know any time of the week. And that seems to be what business people are confronting today," he said about the debate.

"Where I come out as a businessman, I will take the devil I know over the devil I don’t know anytime of the week," he said about Mr. Trump. "I would rather know who I’m going to deal with in the White House. I’m going to know what regulatory decisions they’re going to make."

"I know what President Trump has done and what he’s said he will do. I don’t know what Vice President Biden has said he will do other than masks, listen to the scientists," he also said.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Is he black ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yes, that's the guy on the split screen on the right.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Image doesnt come up..only the blonde.
  • oeb11
  • 10-19-2020, 07:39 AM
Biden decides who be black!!
Ask him - if biden has a lucid moment.

DPST racial identity plantation politics - and the DPSTs are in full buy-in in hopes of REPARATIONS!!!
No one gives a shit what Robert Johnson says or does. He’s been a non-factor to black folks for about 25 years now. Since he sold BET no one has given any thought to Bob. Even when he bought his basketball team decades ago, blacks folks just shrugged and still didn’t see him as someone to follow. He can support Trump or not support him. No one will care.

Well, except white folks since they will say “look a black billionaire supports Trump” so blacks must support Trump. But that’s not how it works, except in the eyes of white folks.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Biden decides who be black!!
Ask him - if biden has a lucid moment.

DPST racial identity plantation politics - and the DPSTs are in full buy-in in hopes of REPARATIONS!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
No, bub, YOU get to decide!

Lock and load, sturmer! Spoken like the TRUE DOTY!!!

  • oeb11
  • 10-19-2020, 07:41 AM
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Image doesnt come up..only the blonde. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
You must have the Trump filter on your TRS-80
TryWeakly's Avatar
Hey now, let's not bring TRS-80 into this.

I have to chuckle when tards keep posting looking for CoCo, though.
  • oeb11
  • 10-19-2020, 07:45 AM
DPST's are in triggereed outrage that 'One of their Own" is off the racial identity plantation political narrative!
of course - DPST's 'just know' they own mr. johnson and all his assets - and biden will make sure to tax the hell out of him in revenge and to teach the rest of teh black peoples what happens when One denies the DPST narrative!

Yssup Rider's Avatar

Oeb11 keeps spouting racial epithets and blowing his dog whistle.

He doesn’t realize that EVERYBODY HATES TRUMP. His repulsion touches all races, religions and ethnicities.

Only certified DOTYs like oeb11 thinks that it’s a good thing for all Americans to be unhappy.

Congratulations. You’ve raised a pretty high bar for DOTYs. And you did it all by yourself.

  • oeb11
  • 10-19-2020, 07:52 AM
Multiple handles and fake canucks !
Join OBLM for a milieu One will find sympathetic!
They do love their marxism and homosexual only relationships laws.
Johnson is mealy-mouthed

using the language he does, "the devil I know"

he's trying to be a politician rather then a stand-up business man

he know the score, he's just fearful of alienating his target audience
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yep the devil I know is a true statement , " i'm not answering that