Hunter is warning us

texassapper's Avatar
Hunter Biden Was Trying to Tell Us Something

Whether he did it accidentally, on purpose, or (most likely) something in between, when Hunter Biden left a laptop loaded with incriminating evidence about himself and his family, at a computer repair shop in Delaware, he was trying to tell us something.

That something was that his father, aka the “big guy,” who had only days before announced he was running for president, was big trouble.

You don’t have to be Sigmund Freud to figure that out. Nor is it hard to figure out why Hunter might have become an addict and engaged in other self-destructive acts not suitable for a family website but apparently immortalized on the hard drive.

The Joe Biden that is being sold to us ad infinitum as Mr. Just-Plain-Folks-American was not the man his son saw. (This is not to absolve Hunter of responsibility for his actions, but to put them in perspective.)

Note that one of the first of the emails published, and therefore (purposefully?) easy to find, from Hunter to his daughter Naomi, reads:

“But I don’t receive any respect and that’s fine I guess. Works for you, apparently. I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard, but don’t worry, unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

We also saw email of a prospective billion dollar deal with Chinese businessmen whose profit percentages would be divided with “10 held by H for the big guy?”

Hunter was to be Joe’s bag man. He probably was more often than we know, jetting around with his father on Air Force Two. The numbers from all these deals—Moscow, China, Kazakhstan, etc.— are staggering. More are coming soon. Just today we learn of Hunter’s (and no doubt Joe’s by extension) activities in Romania.

Bag man, indeed, but evidently it was not easy being Joe Biden’s son.
No one cares. Biden will be president and we’lll all be better for it.
texassapper's Avatar
No one cares. Biden will be president and we’lll all be better for it. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You must be one of those black guys that wants everyone to know he's black... Just like Biden said, right?

I don't your place I might feel a little indignant about that, but I guess you know your place in the Democrat grievance hierarchy.
TryWeakly's Avatar
He just triggered... its gone get worse before they lose. Then its gone get worse after, a fresh new butthurt round of TDS ...just sayin
rexdutchman's Avatar
Triggered ,,, 10 million for daddy to sell us out to the china bots
TryWeakly's Avatar
What? They just "using the tools" they were given, they didnt do anything wrong...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hunter.. obviously his subconscious signals got crossed with drugs/alcohol and wasn't thinking rationally when he dumped his laptop to get it fixed. doubt his guilty conscious was a factor.. who knows.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Hunter Biden Was Trying to Tell Us Something Originally Posted by texassapper

I have a thought about that right there. Some of us are honest enough to notice a couple patterns with the big guy. He sure likes getting awfully close and handsy with people, especially ones that cannot vote yet. Maybe you have not noticed, but when the big guy doesn't like a question or gets cornered (triggered) with a lack of having a good answer - he tends to lash out, often with something odd like; lying dog faced pony soldier or listen here fats, or You ain't black etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

Now, imagine living within those walls with someone like that for your entire life. What goes on or is said between those four walls that are not in the news? What would it be like dealing with that every day and there is no escape or retreat? Not to make it overly simplistic, but uhmm, severe drug abuse may be indicative of a very unhappy or unpleasant home life.

Maybe just dime store psychology...
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Triggered ,,, 10 million for daddy to sell us out to the china bots Originally Posted by rexdutchman
It was 10% actually, which, over time, would be far more. The 10 m was just for ‘introductions’.
rexdutchman's Avatar
True that , cunter is like the bad son in the godfather movies ,,,,,,,,,,