Trump cuts the ayatollahs war making capacity

texassapper's Avatar
Sanctions Have Slashed Ayatollah Iran's War-Making Capacity

In 2017, the Trump administration re-imposed economic sanctions with the goals of stopping Iran’s nuclear weapons program and penalizing the regime’s malign behavior, such as its vicious oppression of its own people, its waging of proxy wars, its engaging in transnational crime and its seeding violence globally.

U.S. sanctions have the devalued Iran’s currency. recently reported that in 2015, one U.S. dollar bought 32,000 Iranian rials (open market rate). In September 2020, 260,000 rials bought a buck. Now it takes 315,000. Note Iranian companies importing food and medicine have a subsidized official exchange rate: 42,000 rials to the dollar.

The regime survived the arms embargo, but 2020 rials don’t buy the guns they did in 2015.
I guess sanctions work better than pallets of cash handed over by the last POTUS. It's like liberals have NEVER read a history book.
  • oeb11
  • 10-21-2020, 08:31 AM
According to the DPST 'Authorities -- history is Racist - along with math, science, geography, and civics.

That is the teachers Unions education - socialism, socialism, and more socialism to support those who cannot teach and won't work.

such is the DPST narrative - and Venezuela is the fate of their amerika!

DPSR's politicians never saw or met an authoritarian repressive government they don't like or identify with!
winn dixie's Avatar
Sanctions Have Slashed Ayatollah Iran's War-Making Capacity

I guess sanctions work better than pallets of cash handed over by the last POTUS. It's like liberals have NEVER read a history book. Originally Posted by texassapper
odummer should be charged with treason for this incident! Boss "T" has man handled them mooselums like bitches!
HedonistForever's Avatar
And the secondary effect of the sanctions is that Iran is in such a financial calamity, they can't afford to do a shutdown of the economy for a raging Covid outbreak in Iran which will only exacerbate the problem and more and more Iranians will become infected further collapsing the economy.

They call that a win, win.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
is the virus spreading in iran?
  • oeb11
  • 10-22-2020, 06:37 AM
Acurate medical reports from Iran are hard to come by - everything is censored through their dictatorial theocracy

chances are - with the regression in quality of care in iran - the virus is out of control and causing problems - along with their economic mess due to sanctions.

Believe what One wants - the ayatollahs and Biden are right up there neck and neck with Lies uber alles!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. - Sun Tzu (died 496 BC)

The key word is subdue. Not pacify, not reciprocal agreements, not handholding, but subdue.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Fact, Big T has put a total of 2.2 trillion into armed forces , and the space force