TryWeakly's Avatar
Read it and weep.

Stupid old white man caint think for himself... talk about a retread..
Yep, more FoxShit. Predictable
winn dixie's Avatar
Open borders and abolish ICE is what dims want
Rinse and repeat:
Yep, more FoxShit. Predictable
TryWeakly's Avatar
At least they covered it... instead of hiding it... like Biden does every day...

It didnt happen!

Its just another snear campaign.

Im not playing his games!

Thats what Trump wants to do!

Enough of the charade already, Dems..

Imagine if CNN actually grew some balls and stood up to the Dems and reported the truth.

I remember back in the day when Blitz covered the first week of Iraq drama.. seems like a different approach these days fo sho.
"Imagine if CNN actually grew some balls and stood up to the Dems and reported the truth."

Dude, you forget who you respond to. I'm independent as hell and don't necessarily believe either CNN or Fox. Cronkite was maybe the last true journalist, maybe before your time. Dogmatic chants and slanted headlines are ineffectual means to influence independent thinkers; not that anyone here can be changed.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Fool, I grew up with Black and White TV too.

It is truly sad the way things have turned out in this nation/world. It is a damn shame.... butt unfortunately we have what we made of it.

I realize that everyone in here is pretty set in their beliefs.

I hope I didnt hurt your feelings, because that woukd make me sad, too.

Its all in good fun, I say. Unfortunately people tend to let their feelings get in the way, amigo.
Try- thanks for the respectful response. I have no problem if we disagree (we may be closer than you think). I respect that and acknowledge it as important to our democracy. That said, I have no respect for those that regurgitate dogmatic "sound bites", regardless of political affiliation. In sum, as I've grown older and matured, its less about me, more about OUR legacy.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The whole problem with numerous immigration issues is that they are not law, they were Odumbo executive orders.

I was working with a bunch of union guys today, supervising, and they were all discussing how many folks are applying to become union members and getting rejected cause they don't have correct immigration paperwork. My point being, they were glad cause there's hardly sufficient work coming into the union halls to keep 2/3 of the guys in barely a decent paycheck. Let alone zero overtime. Clearly, even union folks are tired of losing work to non-union outfits that are a bit slack about who they hire.
winn dixie's Avatar
Try- thanks for the respectful response. I have no problem if we disagree (we may be closer than you think). I respect that and acknowledge it as important to our democracy. That said, I have no respect for those that regurgitate dogmatic "sound bites", regardless of political affiliation. In sum, as I've grown older and matured, its less about me, more about OUR legacy. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Our legacy is being re-written for the pc culture! Folks and things being cancelled or protested against! I have zero respect for the other side! As they have zero respect for America!
More logical, thoughtful and insightful dogma from Winn. As expected from someone that has nothing original to offer.
winn dixie's Avatar
More logical, thoughtful and insightful dogma from Winn. As expected from someone that has nothing original to offer. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Non-sense spam

thank yous valued poster
  • oeb11
  • 10-21-2020, 04:15 PM
Try- thanks for the respectful response. I have no problem if we disagree (we may be closer than you think). I respect that and acknowledge it as important to our democracy. That said, I have no respect for those that regurgitate dogmatic "sound bites", regardless of political affiliation. In sum, as I've grown older and matured, its less about me, more about OUR legacy. Originally Posted by reddog1951

I call BS - this is just another radical DPST who lies and covers the true agenda - Abolish the Constitution and take control of the people.

and stuff marxism down the throats of unwilling Americans.

using 'fake new and fake racism' as pretexts to marxist revodlution.

and the denials are just DPST 'dog whistles' designed to deflect and deny and confuse critics.

You are not as smart at covering your marxist beliefs as u think - but - all DPST;s are elitist, arrogant controlling marxists intent on radical revolution!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Try- thanks for the respectful response. I have no problem if we disagree (we may be closer than you think). I respect that and acknowledge it as important to our democracy. That said, I have no respect for those that regurgitate dogmatic "sound bites", regardless of political affiliation. In sum, as I've grown older and matured, its less about me, more about OUR legacy. Originally Posted by reddog1951

Virtual Hug ... one arm, not two.
  • oeb11
  • 10-21-2020, 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by reddog1951
Try- thanks for the respectful response. I have no problem if we disagree (we may be closer than you think). I respect that and acknowledge it as important to our democracy. That said, I have no respect for those that regurgitate dogmatic "sound bites", regardless of political affiliation. In sum, as I've grown older and matured, its less about me, more about OUR legacy.

"Our Legacy" - marxist totalitarian rule. biden and Harris are Big Brother and Sister- and Orwell would recognize their plans!
you not so smart - arrogant DPST's - your marxist revolution is still your aim!

You make it clear!
DPST's do love their mao. Lenin, Stalin, and Che'!