Whats your opion

Let me get yall's opinions on this.
Just got back in town flew in to PNS, figure hey I'm over I gave Best Wellness a shout and was going to stop in since I was in the area.

As I came up to it I noticed roughly 8-10 guys in the parking lot/also in between it and the smoke shop.

SO I made the decision to not stop. Thoughts? what would you do?
Not saying it was something but even if it was nothing no one wants their car broke into at the least.
Prob just people hanging out at the smoke shop most prob in the navy but not knowing what they look like so couldn’t really make an assumption of situation but best guess just hangers from the smoke shop prob would have been on but a lot of traffic is a turn off for me
Idk, it's best to trust your survival instincts when in doubt... you probably didn't miss anything, anyway...
njdevil211's Avatar
Risk adverse reactions will you keep you out of trouble. Visit another day.
DJIncognito's Avatar
IMO most likely just a few active duties on leave most likely one of them was paying a visit. Me personally I would have made my visit later