Does this make sense to anyone? Because it sure doesn't make sense to me!

So a gent makes an appointment with a provider that, going in, he admits isn't his "type".

She does everything she can to make him happy. He seems to have a good time, and compliments her doing the session.

He then writes a review, detailing the activities, but gives her a "no" recomandation, because he "wasn't into it"-because of the fact that she wasn't '"his type".


If she wasn't his type, if she wasn't the type of provider he is attracted to, WHY DID HE BOOK A SESSION WITH HER??There are literally dozens, if not even hundreds, of providers to choose from ,in all colors, shapes, and sizes. So why in the world wouldn't he just keep looking till he found what he was looking for?

Lets say a gent really likes Asian providers, but isn't at all atracted to, say, BBWs. So he books a session with a BBW, but then complains about her because she wasn't "his type".

Does this make sense? Is this fair?

Just wondering..H
  • Guero
  • 02-13-2010, 11:04 PM
Nope. IMHO you should never write a review if you have reservations before you go see someone. Just think you are bias from the get go and will not give a fair review.
Did he at least give her props for trying?
FWHobbyiest's Avatar
He might have just went because the rates were good, dont really know but sounds like an idiot to me. I wouldnt do that to a lady or waste my $ with someone that didnt interest me
lionheart11's Avatar
I saw that review Heather and was wondering the same thing you pointed out. You did all you were ask per the reviewer. No it is not fair at all. From what I haver read about you and what I have read in your posts I believe you are an outstanding lady. Cheers to you .
St.Mateo's Avatar
I think Robin Williams said it best that God gave man two heads unfortuantely he didnt give him enough blood to operate both at the same time lol

Who knows what the issue with this guy is but as for reviewing theres always that chance something odd will be done I guess all a gal can do sometimes is be the best she can be no matter what and then in some guys minds that isn't good enough...
TinMan's Avatar
Nope. IMHO you should never write a review if you have reservations before you go see someone. Just think you are bias from the get go and will not give a fair review. Originally Posted by Guero
Couldn't disagree more. I've seen plenty of gals who aren't "my type". They usually work out, but sometimes they don't. I write a review regardless.

I don't know the reviewer, and have never had the opportunity to meet Ms. Hart, so I can't opine as to whether his review is or is not accurate. Just commenting on the general statement made here....
LazurusLong's Avatar
To many men they want to expand their sexual experiences. Maybe their wife never did Greek so he wants to go outside his comfort zone of experience and try it.

Maybe he can't see why some guys like BBW girls when he doesn't but figured why not try it.

Maybe part of his brain thinks it would be great to bang an 18 year old but when he get there, his brain keeps telling him that 18 is the age of his grandkids and he fails.

A review board is filled with experiences of all types of men.

a REVIEW is nothing more than his experience.

Without a large number of experiences to look at, many men in this hobby would be shooting in the dark and they'd be in the dark ages where we all were 20 years ago of not knowing who to call.

He went out of his comfort zone and it didn't work out for him.

That is all.
BenderUnit's Avatar
It's not a fair judgement at all, no.

If you've never tried sushi and finally decide to give it a go, don't berate the poor guy behind the counter when you find out that, no, you actually don't like raw octopus.
That's not right. If you know going in she's not what you're looking for, cancel and try someone else.
Bestman200600's Avatar

After being a regular with you for several years and having many one hour sessions with you I never had any complaints, only a good time. Never any drama, lots of dfk, and one of the best cuddlers in town.
Boltfan's Avatar
Couldn't find the review. Wouldn't have known about the review if it had not been brought up by Heather.

Anyone have a link. Would be curious to know how blown out of proportion this really has become. Did he berate the sushi chef or did he simply say he wouldn't recommend sushi?
I find it interesting when providers respond to reviews. I have two theories and am not sure which one is true for the masses.

#1 is that the best response by a provider is to simply not respond. The review will drop down the pages and be forgotten because apparently the number of members that actually use the search function is relatively low.

#2 is that there is no such thing as bad publicity. By responding to the review in this thread, most guys that reading this thread (including me) will then look at the reviews and also click on the link to the ad. Assuming some random number like 1 in a 100 actually make the call after reading the ad, only good things can happen if several hundred extra guys see the ad. Big boobs are more important than anything written in a review aren't they?

So what if he didn't like you, I am sure you have had plenty of clients you don't like either. If you didn't have some degree of success in this business, I assume you would have quit wasting your time posting ads.

As to whether or not the review is fair, I only think reviews are unfair if they are posted with the sole intent of harming the reputation of a provider or they include false information. I saw this one as only sharing his perspective.

Would I have written such a review? Probably not.
lionheart11's Avatar
How can u give someone a bad review when they did nothing bad. If she is not your type leave the rec blank. That review listed positive activities. IMHO
Boltfan's Avatar
Why is a no recommendation a bad review? This is so sad it's funny. All these comments about a review that most everyone on here has not read.
TinMan's Avatar
If there are clear factual errors, then the provider has every right to offer a rebuttal. Heather was not specific about some of her complaints, but having read the entire review it did not surprise me that she or any provider would respond as she did.