Female Condom Question

SouthArlington's Avatar
So a girl I date from time to time was over last night (so non-hobby related). I felt inside of her (with my finger) what felt like a condom. I felt the ring and lining. I was initially grossed out, thinking it was a used condom that broke inside somehow. But I convinced myself that would be impossible because the ring would not be that deep. I went ahead, and used my own protection (as always) but didn't want to inquire what the hell that was inside of her for fear of killing the mood.

Was it a female condom? I've never experienced one before.
Black Sedan's Avatar
If it was half of one. They are designed to have a plastic ring remain on the outside, as well as one that is squeezed and be inserted on the inside. It would feel notably different than a little bit of latex rolled up.

Check out this youtube for a demonstration where you can see what they look like, and how you can't miss them in use.

Dude, I don't know what you are describing, but um, let us know.
SouthArlington's Avatar
I think you're exactly right. It must have been half of one. There was nothing on the outside of the body.

pmdelites's Avatar
did you ask her or talk w/ her about it? if so, she could have explained its purpose, where it fits, how it feels when you are in there, etc. it might have been a diaphragm. it might mean she cares enough about you for you to do it w/out a condom.

if it's a female condom or a diaphragm, i'd be interested as to why you would consider something she'd use to prevent conception to be so disgusting or a mood killer to you.

now, if she had previously used it, that's a different situation.
Just some possibilities...


Could have been nuvaring birth control. I have used it before, it sorta feels like a rolled up condom.

or maybe..

Instead cups have a net-like (kinda) lining and a plasticy rim thing you use during menstruation. You can use your imagination on that one. (Think: bucket)

Or as pmdelights said, a diaphragm for birth control. Oh look, you can sometimes feel it!

The commonly used version of the female condom requires the ring to be outside the vagina and if you felt a lining then it couldn't be the nuva ring. There could be a more stealth version of the female condom out there or she could in fact have let it slip and get in there when she was on her way to meet you...doesn't necessarily mean she used it with someone else and its been in there all day !

BJ...you must do alot of reading to get that info. You have my RR seal of approval.

SouthArlington's Avatar
Thanks for the info.

BJ, it certainly could have been one of those you list.

PMdelites, I would only think of it as disgusting if it was something left in there unintentionally. I know she is sexually active with others and we have kind of a "don't ask don't tell" kind of relationship, so I didn't want to bring it up.
Oh thats really funny maybe she was on some kinda birth control pill is call the vaginal ring maybe thats what it is SELENA 214-881-2428
pmdelites's Avatar
Thanks for the info.

BJ, it certainly could have been one of those you list.

PMdelites, I would only think of it as disgusting if it was something left in there unintentionally. I know she is sexually active with others and we have kind of a "don't ask don't tell" kind of relationship, so I didn't want to bring it up. Originally Posted by SouthArlington
like i said previously ..."now, if she had previously used it, that's a different situation."

talking about hygene is different than talking about partners. if my honey were sexually active w/ others, i'd hope that she'd clean up between partners, me included. no need to spread anything around that shouldnt be spread around.

but that's just me...