Agitated when old providers call you

Over the last 24 hours I have had like 4 different women that I had seen in the past calling and texting me and damn near begging me for a session. Well guess what I have a life and I haven't seen you in months because your not good and I have a good clean awesome regular now. Like she knows its ok to text me i don't mind but these other women I haven't even tried to contact and only saw them once that's exactly why I don't mess with backpage anymore?

Has anyone else had this happen to them?

What do you think about this?

And all of you good providers on here what do you think and would you persist after a no was given?
The women who you are directing your rant to, probably do not come here and read the forums, otherwise they would probably have enough decorum and get a clue to curtail their behaviors. They would possibly also have some other form of marketing strategy that does rely on bombarding someone's phone with messages and calls.

I think the answer here is simple (for mature, well-adjusted people), if someone asks not to be called or text, then don't call or text them. Anyone with good business acumen would respect a client's wishes not be called.

I understand why you would not want to deal with backpage anymore, but not everyone who utilizes backpage's services is trash. This should be a reminder to guys to do their research, regardless of where they find a provider.
I'm not suggesting that they are all trash but I'm saying is that none of the people on here do that. And I know they are not on here I was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue.

And thanks Gwynn I do value your words
I'm not suggesting that they are all trash but I'm saying is that none of the people on here do that. And I know they are not on here I was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue.

And thanks Gwynn I do value your words Originally Posted by Pinkman2012
Anytime...and I love the Welsh spelling of my name :-)
I've had that happen before too. It didn't really bother me the first time b/c I liked the girl. The other time it didn't b/c I was able to easily ignore the attempts from the girl I didn't want to see again and it didn't happen for very long.
Super simple answer, ignore them and be done with it. Trash and treasure can be found on every website. Try getting girls who mesh with your personality & likes and dislikes so you wont have these problems in the future.
These women, Im assuming are desperate...have you kindly, yet diplomatically told them to cease texting you?
These women, Im assuming are desperate...have you kindly, yet diplomatically told them to cease texting you? Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Yes I have i had toe resort to acting like I changed my number so I'm sure they got the picture plus one of the girls I did not even see I went to see her and she had men everywhere with her both times I tried so since I don't know her I told her not to tell me what room she was in and I was leaving I know what not to do if I'm going to back out for a bad feeling and I did not jeperdise her location but she still wanted me to try when she called again any way I think I have I fixed now but ill probably stick to more reputable girls that I can research
ill probably stick to more reputable girls that I can research Originally Posted by Pinkman2012
Good idea!
I have gents that ask me please text me when you come in to town, but I can not remember who I can and can't text so I simply say tet me when you feel you are in need of my company and I will tell you if I am near .... Sorry they are texting you so unprofessional... Have fun and Happy Hump day everyone.

I have gents that ask me please text me when you come in to town, but I can not remember who I can and can't text so I simply say tet me when you feel you are in need of my company and I will tell you if I am near .... Sorry they are texting you so unprofessional... Have fun and Happy Hump day everyone.

Ahlure Originally Posted by Ahlure
I've gotten this "text me when you are in town" thing whenever I posted a visit somewhere. It's like I'm just going to text them say, "hey baby, come on over..." - without screening or anything. Silly. If someone is interested in me visiting their city, I always ask that the e-mail me and I can put them on the appropriate distribution list.
I have gents that ask me please text me when you come in to town, but I can not remember who I can and can't text so I simply say tet me when you feel you are in need of my company and I will tell you if I am near .... Sorry they are texting you so unprofessional... Have fun and Happy Hump day everyone.

Ahlure Originally Posted by Ahlure
I've gotten this "text me when you are in town" thing whenever I posted a visit somewhere. It's like I'm just going to text them say, "hey baby, come on over..." - without screening or anything. Silly. If someone is interested in me visiting their city, I always ask that the e-mail me and I can put them on the appropriate distribution list. Originally Posted by Gwendolyn Cain

See even a text wouldn't be bad that stuff is fine especially when asked for but these girls were calling me all hours of the night

I think that the way y'all do things is good
I've gotten this "text me when you are in town" thing whenever I posted a visit somewhere. It's like I'm just going to text them say, "hey baby, come on over..." - without screening or anything. Silly. If someone is interested in me visiting their city, I always ask that the e-mail me and I can put them on the appropriate distribution list. Originally Posted by Gwendolyn Cain

Yes, I ask them to do the same thing. I have folders set aside for my cities I visit with the gents I have seen or would like to see me and I do send out messages when I am coming for a visit. Some ladies forget that some of us treat this as a biz and are professional. Which ruins it for us that are professional about it because the guys get caught up with the bad apples and are scared to eat the good fruit when it comes around.

I hope everyone has a great day and play safe.
ragooh_aus's Avatar
I have always enjoyed great fuit. Ahlure is some of the juciest I have had! Please come back to Texarkana.

Texting does suck though. I have had that happen too. I thought the consideration is not only for time, but annonymity as well.

Texarkana, twice as nice. No really, it's our motto!!
I have always enjoyed great fuit. Ahlure is some of the juciest I have had! Please come back to Texarkana.

Texting does suck though. I have had that happen too. I thought the consideration is not only for time, but annonymity as well.

Texarkana, twice as nice. No really, it's our motto!! Originally Posted by ragooh_aus

Why Thank you Ragooh_aus.... I am trying to plan a trip I haven't forgotten about you guys up there...