Ring the Alarm

mzbunzhoney1918's Avatar
Blog repost:

Talk about irony!! Yesterday I did a considerable amount of driving, helping my girlfriend move, so I was tired. I attempted to stay up. Calls were a bit slow especially for a Friday night so I decided I'd go to sleep and set my alarm for the morning to be the early bird. Silly me I didn't plug my phone up and it died at some point during the night. That ended up being ok because I was awaken to a fire alarm. After about a minute of the alarm not stopping I called downstairs and was informed I had to exit the building. I suppose it was just regulation and was able to reenter after about 15 minutes. Thank goodness it was nothing serious but I laughed a little. What a wakeup!
mzbunzhoney1918's Avatar
Going to try this again Richmond 4/29 & 4/30