Constructive Feedback...:)

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Sir Mickdick...

I would like to take a moment to apologize that you were disappointed with our appointment yesterday... While it is always hard to hear NEGATIVE feedback about yourself... it is also the only way that as individuals that we can work on improving ourselves... If we only hear the POSITIVE then how can we grow and evolve?

The next time that I am in town I would like to refund your donation to you... This is a business based on customer service and the fact that you left feeling unhappy means that I did not do my job appropriately and for that I humbly apologize...

I would also like to apologize to the men who contacted me last week that I was unable to get back with... This is an issue I constantly struggle with and I am considering hiring an assistant to help with my screening... It is one of those things where I worry that my men might lose that personal touch if I get an assistant... However, I hate it when I have inadvertently hurt someone's feelings because I simply ran out of time...

I walk/run anywhere between 10 and 20 miles a day, I have children that need help with homework and that need Mommy's attention especially during a Holiday week like Halloween... So, I do the best that I can but at the end of the day I know that this is an area that I constantly seem to fail in and I just want to apologize to those that I was not able to get back with that to say that I will continue to work on improving my communication skills...

Soulmanike gave me some very good constructive feedback a few years ago...when I first started ... and I am STILL trying to get to a point where I can feel proud of myself in this particular area... but alas, I am not quite there yet...

I do try to make it up to my men by responding to reference requests in a quick and timely manner, by always being on time for my appointments, by always dressing in sexy lingerie, naughty costumes or whatever else that the gentleman I am entertaining so desires...

Regardless, I want to wish everyone a wonderful day!! Thank you Houston for the constructive feedback!!

Your appreciative slave,

This note .... made me hard.

Just sayin'
Wow you sound like a total sweetheart and a true professional.

I'd like to recommend this book by Nigel Bristow entitled Where's The Gift. A previous boss gave it to me to read after I fucked up a cost model in my early years. He cleaned it up and turn around and gave me credit for the work. It's a good read on constructive criticism.

good luck to you.
  • Sonya
  • 11-06-2014, 09:11 AM
Your new pics gave me a lady boner. Loving the cage back panties.
Very professional....and agree with Sonya....the new pics are wonderful.
Still Looking's Avatar
It's one thing when a hobbyist turns and walks away. I always find it interesting how they manage to "struggle" through some of these challenging sessions.

Can you say "CHEESE DICK"? I knew you could!

Wakeup's Avatar
Soulmanike gave me some very good constructive feedback a few years ago...when I first started ... Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere

I just bet he did...
Sonya's Showcase gave me boner ......
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Ladies, I would hope there's some cutting and pasting and saving going on. You never know when it'll be your turn.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
This note .... made me hard.

Just sayin' Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter

Sir GlobeSpotter...

Well, I am glad that I could be of SERVICE!! LOL... Sigh, and who says that OLD HO'S don't have their uses? LOL...

It has not been the best day but your post not only brought the biggest smile to my face but it literally made me LAUGH so hard that I almost spilled my morning coffee!!

Thank you sir...

Your flattered slave,


Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Wow you sound like a total sweetheart and a true professional.

I'd like to recommend this book by Nigel Bristow entitled Where's The Gift. A previous boss gave it to me to read after I fucked up a cost model in my early years. He cleaned it up and turn around and gave me credit for the work. It's a good read on constructive criticism.

good luck to you. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Sir Zanzibar...

Thank you very much for the kind words and for the fabulous recommendation in regards to the book "Where's The Gift"... I absolutely love to read and I easily have over a 1000 books in my home that I have scattered about...I very much enjoy learning new things but also from my past and present experiences....

Once, I lost a 5K race because I had gotten complacent and the girl behind me sprinted into the shoot before me and I lost the race by 2 seconds...

After the race my Father asked me

"How do you feel about losing the race?"

I replied "Well, it never feels good to lose a race but it SUCKED to lose one like that..."

My Father is an introvert like myself... so he kept his reply brief... His words of wisdom were:

"Well, then I suggest you NEVER forget how this made you feel..."

And I have not...

I could not change the outcome of the race that day and I cannot change that SirMickdick had a bad experience with me yesterday... but I can learn from it and I can return his money so that at least he does not suffer a monetary loss...

At the end of the day... all I can do is try my best...

Thank you kind sir for also making this day brighter and more tolerable...

Your appreciative slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Your new pics gave me a lady boner. Loving the cage back panties. Originally Posted by Sonya
Beautiful Sonya...

THANK YOU!! Those are some incredibly kind words for you to say to me and I appreciate you taking a moment to try and make me feel better...

You are incredibly beautiful and I am flattered that you enjoyed my photos...

Your blushing slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Very professional....and agree with Sonya....the new pics are wonderful. Originally Posted by Zhivago52

Sir Zhivago52...

As the day has progressed it has hit me a bit harder that I failed to make one of my men happy... but this happens... not everyone is going to find me attractive and that is certainly ok.... It is illogical to think that every man that I meet is going to find me to be attractive...

It still hurts but heh... one of my favorite philosophy books says that when we are experiencing emotional pain then that means we are also experiencing new growth... and that when we are going through these difficult times that we should THANK the person for helping us onto this journey of enlightenment... DAMN I HATE GROWING!! Lol...

Seriously though... thank you for taking a moment to give me some positive feedback... it really does mean a lot...

Your philosophical slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
It's one thing when a hobbyist turns and walks away. I always find it interesting how they manage to "struggle" through some of these challenging sessions.

Can you say "CHEESE DICK"? I knew you could!

Originally Posted by Still Looking


You naughty man!! Yes, he did manage to suffer through having sex with me twice!! Which is pretty good for a 30 minute appointment... But that is not the point!! LOL

DAYUM!! You and Uncle Toyz always make me LAUGH!!

Does this mean I get a new TROLL DOLL for CHRISTMAS?

Your adoring slave,


Slave Guinevere's Avatar

I just bet he did... Originally Posted by Wakeup

Sir Wakeup...

Hmmm.... yes, to my chagrin I angered Soulmanike and he administered some very TOUGH LOVE to me... Now, at the time I did not really appreciate what he said and I had not been Slave Guinevere long enough to understand the wisdom of his advice...

But I have never forgotten his words and he was right... and while I do struggle to return all of my pm's, emails and texts in a timely manner... I still fail in this regard and as of yet, I have not found a way to make him proud of me...

But the important thing is I still keep trying.... I never want to disappoint someone.. However, I have learned over the last few years that there are some things that we can control... and some things that we cannot..

I will continue to try and find a way to improve in this regard and who knows...maybe, this will be the incident that finally pushes me into getting an assistant to help me with my screening and scheduling...

FYI.... I would have preferred a SPANKING but then again, that isn't really a punishment for me now is it?

Your naughty slave,
