popping the provider cherry

I know many of you have experienced this and there are definately pros and cons but I love it when I have a girl that is new to the hobby. I've had the pleasure of being many providers firsts in my younger years because I posted many ads looking for new providers, and visited tons and tons of studios.

I love it when the provider is new and doesn't know what to do, is nervous and pretty much you are in control. sure there are disadvantages. Sometimes there menu is limited. Sometimes they don't know how to totally please you. But it's kind of neat to be the first to have the pleasure to introduce someone to the hobby.

anyone else have any cool experiences like this?
Randall Creed's Avatar
I can see the joy in that, but at the same time it's not like you're the FIRST ONE with her.

If THAT was to happen, it would be a hell of a treat.

Brand new, unreviewed girls are otherwise terrifying, particularly on places like BP.
ROFLMAO! You actually believed you were their first John? Gore invented the interwebz.
Daen1304's Avatar
Hey, someone has to be the first, Jon. And even though he said popping the provider cherry in the title. He said new, not first time in the thread. I think he is talking about how he likes some aspects of being with girls that still aren't used to the whole deal yet. And personally, new girls are probably the best for some new guys, since the experienced provider can intimadate some new Jons. I have seen that myself, lol.
Not sure I would want to be the guy who condemned a lady to the life of dealing with us guys.

As far as a new guy and a new gal, sounds like a disaster in the making, especially for the gal. Looking at two people stunmbling in the dark.

A good, mature (brains, not just age) provider can set a guy's fears to rest. My experience with some of the more experienced providers is that they know how to make a guy feel comfortable. (All of that requires proper screening up front, of course.)
Blubba's Avatar
Never had the pleasure, other than breaking in the poop chute, and that was "accidental". LMAO!
Pros and cons...a few times it's been great but there were a couple Provider newbies that, once I told them what us horndogs expect, I got the "EEEEEUUUUU...really?"

Really like the nervous ones.
daty/o's Avatar
Pros and cons...a few times it's been great but there were a couple Provider newbies that, once I told them what us horndogs expect, I got the "EEEEEUUUUU...really?"

Really like the nervous ones. Originally Posted by Prolongus
At the risk of sounding like a perv, the new providers, especially if they are also fairly new to sex in general, can provide some of the most enjoyable sessions. This kinda goes hand in hand with the thread about age preference. I definitely enjoy the passion and intensity that age and experience brings to the session, but inexperience has it's own level of excitement. There is nothing quite like feeling the way her body responds when you turn "EEEEUUUU, really?" into "OMG".
Never had that experience and the one girl who's cherry I thought I popped turned out to have used that line with 3 other guys; one of whom I golfed with. I don't believe in the Pop a Provider's Cherry mythology. She's likely to have already done it in a SC, some massage joint or with a friend that offered her some $ for a little quick relief.
daty/o's Avatar
new can be fun and its cool to be a part of that learning experience but a couple times I've gone done that road the girl must have had a drill instructor as a mentor because everything was robotic....do this.....then that...say no here....don't do that....clean up and urge him out the door. I think also they get the taste of cash and if they don't have good advice they just think if I can rush and see more then i'all make more, they want the quick cash and don't consider a longer ride where reputation matters for longevity and a sustainable business.