Am I Wrong??

KittyLamour's Avatar
A certain hobbyist called me earlier today and wanted to see me in 15-20 min time frame...I told him that I had to run an errand and didn't think I could be ready in that short of time. 20 minutes later he calls back and wants to know if I have finished what I needed to do. I reply no, I haven't even left yet. In return he asks; when do I think I could be ready and I reply in at least an hour. Well, that was too late for him so I graciously agree to put off my plans and see him in 20 min. Mind you, I ran around like a chicken with it's head cut off straitening up, making the bed, throwing dishes in the dishwasher. Then with 5 minutes to spare I rip half of the hair off my head trying to rush and comb my hair out nearly faint trying to get into lingerie and stockings, trip over my stilettos right on time for the phone to ring that he is here. I let him in, tell him that I am a bit out of have a seat for a moment while I get a glass of ice he starts grabbing my ass and I am tripping over my heels again now a total nervous wreck. I sit down and try to turn on some relaxing music...whereupon he states, "I just don't think you're into it and I think I'll pass." Stands up throws down $20 and heads for my door. I am pissed. I know what? I put off my plans, rushed to get ready for you and look sexy, nearly had a nervous breakdown doing come in grope all over me and then say you'll pass and throw down $20??? WTF?? He responds with a smart ass comment and walks out the door.
I know it's not a major deal but my nerves are raw, I feel like crying and I feel just plain crapped on. I know I'm not the only one who goes out of her way to be it too much to ask for a little human understanding? Is it wrong to expect to be treated like any other person would like to be treated as? A person who matters and who deserves the same respect you at least treat your barber with?
It seems to be less often that my request of an hours advance notice is honored and more times than not clients are calling and wanting right then or not at all. Times are tough, I can't afford to say no...and it is driving me literally crazy. I don't do well under extreme pressure...and the fact that my life is an open book subject to be reviewed in every intimate detail, I've grown quite paranoid about being "perfect". Worried I won't look like my pics, worried there is something out of place and they will say my incall is a mess...anything & everything...arghhhh....
I don't know what kind of feedback I am seeking...maybe just seeking a little understanding and to be reassured I'm not alone in my insanity....LOL I'm probably setting myself up to get my feelings hurt again...but I needed to get it off my chest.
Hercules's Avatar
Ok...First yer avatar is just too fuckin funny.

Second. I hear ya. You busted your ass and wanted a little consideration other then being just a piece of meat and you needed to vent.

Best thing to do now is to let it go. Chalk it up to experience and show him what he missed by fucking the brains out of the next guy to call on you.
TomKat's Avatar
It seems more often than not a lot of us guys have to almost beg a provider to take our $. You were more than fair (IMO) to set aside your things to do to make room for his schedule. I wish there were more women like you who are easy to schedule with. He should've gave you the time you needed to calm down and get in the right mood.
timothe's Avatar
It seems more often than not a lot of us guys have to almost beg a provider to take our $. You were more than fair (IMO) to set aside your things to do to make room for his schedule. I wish there were more women like you who are easy to schedule with. He should've gave you the time you needed to calm down and get in the right mood. Originally Posted by TomKat
Agreed. I generally tip handsomely to any indy who I call that will see me within the hour or after 2am. That said, I have had bad sessions with women after scheduling difficulties and in those cases, I wish I would have cancelled the appointment.
jrewing's Avatar
Not to agree with the hobbyist, which i don't, but i'm starting to see a new trend lately, with economic's tight and what seems like a ton of new providers cuming to dallas every day, i think we are going to see more of these bad activities by hobbyist because there are just plenty of providers for rough guys to choose from, so ladies be careful, JR
KittyLamour's Avatar
Awww! You guys are awesome!!! I feel all better! Thank you so much for your positive input and I would rearrange my schedule for gentlemen like y'all any day of the week! Big Kisses and Slinky Hugs!
Merci sorry you got a scum for this visit.
cookie man's Avatar
You ladies have a tough job. This person was extremely inconsiderate. Try to let go of his rudeness as quicly as possible. You as well as all the ladies deserve more consideration.It's a good idea to post this for two reasons...relieve frustration and inform others.

One hour notice is more than reasonable and should be a standard of minimum notice.
pmdelites's Avatar

first of all, you are NOT wrong.
you just went thru a way less than deliteful experience.
i'm very sorry that happened.
and i'm glad that you are feeling better about things.

with many years of experience in life, i've learned that venting and looking for a friendly ear or hug is a great thing.

but what's even better is not getting into situations that toss you around so that you need to vent and look for a friendly ear or hug.

so, after reading your post, i'm going to comment on a few things.
and hope that you will think about or haveve thought about what happend, and most importantly learn and will apply a lesson or two.
cos if you keep doing the same things that led up to this, you prolly will get the same type of result.

if you want a particular kind of enjoyable experience, then do what you can to have that kind of experience.

I graciously agree to put off my plans and see him in 20 min. he starts grabbing my ass and I am tripping over my heels again now a total nervous wreck. I sit down and try to turn on some relaxing music...whereupon he states, "I just don't think you're into it and I think I'll pass." Stands up throws down $20 and heads for my door.
had you already screened the guy and perhaps even visited with him? if not, by agreeing to see him in 20 mins, i think you lowered your standards and set yourself up for what happened. sure, he should have been more respectful, and sure, he might have been a great guy. but he wasnt and it landed on you.

also, if you are not available for whatever reason, you are under NO obligation to explain to the caller why you are not available. period, end of paragraph!!

I am pissed. I know what? I put off my plans, rushed to get ready for you and look sexy, nearly had a nervous breakdown doing come in grope all over me and then say you'll pass and throw down $20??? WTF?? He responds with a smart ass comment and walks out the door.
he shows up, acts very ungentlemanly, throws down a $20 and leaves.
he prolly doesnt have any idea of what you went thru before hand, so that part's not on him. acting agressively, inconsiderately, rudely, and being an ass is on him.

I know it's not a major deal but my nerves are raw, I feel like crying and I feel just plain crapped on. I know I'm not the only one who goes out of her way to be it too much to ask for a little human understanding? Is it wrong to expect to be treated like any other person would like to be treated as? A person who matters and who deserves the same respect you at least treat your barber with?
based on your note, it is a major deal if it has pissed you off and upset you so much.

it's great that you are accomodating, ask for understanding, or expect respectful treatment.

but, again, i suggest you think about what happened prior to you being in a situation where all of that was not taken into account by the guy and it turned out way less than pleasant.

then, either change it or live with it.

It seems to be less often that my request of an hours advance notice is honored and more times than not clients are calling and wanting right then or not at all. Times are tough, I can't afford to say no...and it is driving me literally crazy.
i understand that times are tough. but nothing is worth getting treated badly. dont let shit like this drive you crazy.

if some guy [whether you've seen him or not] calls you and wants to see you w/ less than your minimum 1 hr notice, either you say "no way" or "let me screen you first". or you accept the session and deal with whatever happens. sometimes it will be good, sometimes it will be bad.

YOU set your screening policy.
YOU set your fees.
YOU set your limits.

if you let others set them for you, the chances that you will get what you were hoping for drop from really good to almost zero!!!

i strongly suggest you do what you can to protect and take care of yourself.
talk to some of the women here in eccie land.
and i'd definitely let the women know via the powder room or provider buzz who the asshole was.

being that you've been on eccie since sep 2010, you prolly know all this.
but it never hurts to hear things we can do to help ourselves.

you said it yourself in your last ad.
"Most people are raised to believe they're just as good as the next person.
I was always taught that I was BETTER."

but this one stumps me: "I <heart> Haters!"

hoping you have/had a very calming sleep tonite.
and that your wednesday, the 2nd day of spring, brings you a much more peaceful and deliteful day!!
A certain hobbyist "I just don't think you're into it and I think I'll pass." Stands up throws down $20 and heads for my door. Originally Posted by mercianna
Sounds like the boy was a BP Client
I think as long you shot him before he made it out the door, you might have beat a conviction in court.

What a dick.
TomKat's Avatar
Awww! You guys are awesome!!! I feel all better! Thank you so much for your positive input and I would rearrange my schedule for gentlemen like y'all any day of the week! Big Kisses and Slinky Hugs! Originally Posted by mercianna

I`m right down the street. Can you be ready in 10 minutes (JK)?
Hercules's Avatar
I think as long you shot him before he made it out the door, you might have beat a conviction in court. Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth
Only if she shot him from a helicopter...uuum oh wait.
Blubba's Avatar

Sorry, tried to follow all that but got lost in the middle. Then it happened again halfway through the thread.

My head is hurting.
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
What a ass!! I would have been upset to say the least.