
Hey everyone, I'm a newbie to the site and contemplating joining the hobby. Been on the forums for a while and now just starting to post. Still trying to decide if I want to go down this path or not. I'm married with a few kids and just not getting my needs met at home anymore. Wondered if that is pretty much the norm with all you other guys. If so, how do you balance your hobby with home life? Any tips or advice is much welcomed. Not looking for info how to get started in the hobby. Have read several informative posts that have filled me in on the best steps to follow.
Invisible1's Avatar
To answer or respond to your multi-faceted post:
-for some, not getting what is needed at home is the norm. Others here are divorced or have never been married and supplement their real world relationships. Others here are just sex addicts in a wild mixture of circumstances.
-Balancing home and hobby life is not safe. Instead one must keep them completely seperate.
- get a burner phone (i.e., track phone). Never use your normal home related phone(s) in the hobby.
-join p411.
- Keep reading and searching forums for additional advice for newbies.
- have fun, be kind, stay clear of drama, and enjoy some of the most amazing sexual experiences of your life as your budget permits.