sorry Jemma, but it was NOT me

Ladies and gentlemen, Jemma Martin has posted an Alert saying I messed with her. The problem is it was not me. For the past three days I have been travelling on a road trip to OKC with a stop or two in Dallas while in route and my phone number is not the one she posted either. Over Thanksgiving I did not hobby at all due to spending my time with family.

Unfortunately we are not able to control who uses our names, but unless you get a P411 from me then I would not believe it is me. I generally stick to P411 when a provider has a profile there because it is much easier.

As a general bit of advice, always request a Pm from P411 with any hobbyist if possible. Helps cut down on problems.

Her alert does nothing but illustrate a problem with trusting someone without using P411 and spreads unwarranted rumors and lies about me. I am quite capable of making an ass out of my own self using truth on here without the fake lies and rumors.
citizen44's Avatar
So what you're saying is you were trying to bareback Jemma? Awesome......
Absolutely no way it's gtoman.

Eccie rhetoric aside...he's a solid good guy when it comes to TCB and BCD.
Six appointments among four different ladies in 2015 backs this up.

/with the exception of that one occasion when his breath was a bit of a turnoff burping up his earlier lunch
//and "really sweaty". maybe had spicy Indian cuisine that day?
///just that first time, though. subsequent meets were great.
////and satin panties/bikinis will totally win his favor.


As a general bit of advice, always request a Pm from P411 with any hobbyist if possible.
Helps cut down on problems.
... Originally Posted by gtoman
Yep. P411 is the way to go.
Lol. That spicy stuff will get ya!
he wears satin panties?

edit: he's too cheap for silk?
GS, are you seriously that dumb? I expect better from you than cheap statements to get a reaction from me. If I can withstand being baited by NM this weak attempt isn't going to get me.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
^^^It just did.
dearhunter's Avatar, gotoyourroom is DG as well.
^^^It just did. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Then you haven't been reading most of my posts.
I apologize. I didn't know any of this. I made the alert based of all the information I had at the time. The man had my number and used your handle name. I'm sorry about the misunderstand, but I'm glad you messaged me and told me that it was not your phone number. I found out from a provider who the man really is by his phone number. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
I will admit when I am wrong, and in this case...I AM the one at fault, not him.
dearhunter's Avatar
You mean gotomemphis is not DG?
pyramider's Avatar
Damnit, I lost that bet ...
dearhunter's Avatar
3sides is buying lunch?