Lisa - buttered up one

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I didn’t feel like writing up another encounter report about her. But butterface Lisa… my first experience with her wasn’t bad. We talked got and gave a massage, experience was overall good, tight body always a plus for me. I know in my review I left a little early, but that didn’t bother me too much. I thought I’d see her again and see if she’s changed anything at all. Nope even worse, I did the hour expecting to chill some get a massage and all again, nope straight to things. And I was out in 15 minutes. I tried discussing the time difference to her but she either didn’t or acted like she didn’t get what I was saying. Automatic never seeing her again.

Anyway- anyone else see somebody that may not be the best reviewed, got the job done, but has now just disappointed you to the point of no return?
My goodness…sounds horrible. And a complete waste of time…as little time as you did get.
welcome to nys