Obama’s aids Hezbollah drug trafficking ring!

bambino's Avatar
goodolboy's Avatar
It becomes more clear every day why it was so important for them to have Hillary win and keep all this corruption from ever seeing the light of day.
So will anyone call for a special prosecutor into obama??
So will anyone call for a special prosecutor into obama?? Originally Posted by garhkal
I'd say, "probably not" as the Republicans don't have the chutzpah to stand up for "we the people"., and I'd venture to say many of them are in knee deep with the Liberal Democrats, they don't want anyone in Washington that might upset their apple cart. AND HERE COMES TRUMP:clap ping::clap ping::clap ping:
StandinStraight's Avatar
This is a doozie. Unbelievable.

https://www.politico.com/interactive...investigation/ Originally Posted by bambino
A doozie? It’s a nothing burger! That’s why you won’t hear about it anywhere but Fox News. Totally meaningless stuff.
lustylad's Avatar
A doozie? It’s a nothing burger! That’s why you won’t hear about it anywhere but CNN. Totally meaningless stuff. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
A nothing burger? You mean the Russia collusion stuff? Van Jones agrees with you, standinshit! Start another fucking thread if you want to talk about CNN's nothing burger!

StandinStraight's Avatar
A nothing burger? You mean the Russia collusion stuff? Van Jones agrees with you, standinshit! Start another fucking thread if you want to talk about CNN's nothing burger!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Let me know when Mueller says it’s a nothing burger, you a hole, I’m pretty sure Van Jones isn’t part of the investigating team. Ask Flynn and Manafort if it’s a nothing burger while your at it, you whining baby.
lustylad's Avatar
A doozie? It’s a nothing burger! That’s why you won’t hear about it anywhere but Fox News. Totally meaningless stuff. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
The OP's link is to a Politico article, you ignorant fuck-troll. Are they part of Fox News now?
StandinStraight's Avatar
The OP's link is to a Politico article, you ignorant fuck-troll. Are they part of Fox News now? Originally Posted by lustylad
What i was saying fuck face is that one rouge article that is not being discussed on any news channel except Fox News is being ignored by real news channels for a good reason, it’s meaningless, a nothing burger, another pathetic racist attack at Obama. What are you going to post tomorrow , another article about Obama being born in Kenya ?
bambino's Avatar
The OP's link is to a Politico article, you ignorant fuck-troll. Are they part of Fox News now? Originally Posted by lustylad
14,000 words is far to long for SStupid.
lustylad's Avatar
What i was saying fuck face is that one rouge (sic) article that is not being discussed on any news channel except Fox News is being ignored by real news channels for a good reason, it’s meaningless, a nothing burger, another pathetic racist attack at Obama. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Hahahaha... what is a "rouge" article, you uneducated hick? You didn't even read it. It's quite sensational... but way too long and complicated for a low-IQ, attention-challenged faggot like you to digest anyway.

Here's where Politico falls on the left/right spectrum:

The story is being carried by at least ten other media sources besides Fox, you lying scumbag. So much for being a "rouge" article lol.
bambino's Avatar
Hahahaha... what is a "rouge" article, you uneducated hick? You didn't even read it. It's quite sensational... but way too long and complicated for a low-IQ, attention-challenged faggot like you to digest anyway.

Here's where Politico falls on the left/right spectrum:

The story is being carried by at least ten other media sources besides Fox, you lying scumbag. So much for being a "rouge" article lol. Originally Posted by lustylad
SStupid is a “rouge” retard.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A doozie? It’s a nothing burger! That’s why you won’t hear about it anywhere but Fox News. Totally meaningless stuff. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You just gave the best reason why it probably is something. The other lapdogs of the media don't want to touch it.
And the race card...haven't you outgrown that yet?
goodolboy's Avatar
A doozie? It’s a nothing burger! That’s why you won’t hear about it anywhere but Fox News. Totally meaningless stuff. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Actually it was left leaning Politico that broke the story, it has since spread like wildfire.

{"In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States"}

{"They followed cocaine shipments, some from Latin America to West Africa and on to Europe and the Middle East, and others through Venezuela and Mexico to the United States. They tracked the river of dirty cash as it was laundered by, among other tactics, buying American used cars and shipping them to Africa. And with the help of some key cooperating witnesses, the agents traced the conspiracy, they believed, to the innermost circle of Hezbollah and its state sponsors in Iran."}

bambino's Avatar
Does SStupid know what “rouge” actually means?