personal meet n greet publically. thoughts?

  • fryec
  • 01-12-2014, 01:24 PM
Ladies, would you be open to meeting someone in a public place for the first time like for lunch or coffee as a way of screening?

I have thought about it and I would prefer to meet someone in person before I committed to an hour or two.

Of course you would be compensated for your time, but at a reduced rate. Plus lunch or coffee would be provided.

No review would be done but information woud be provided if asked.

Also this would not help to verify any new profiders, this would just be for my benefit.

This would be a good way for you to earn some extra $, legit, safe, and maybe get a good lunch out of the deal.

And sometimes you just wanna hang out instead of playing 'banging for dollars'.
Does this sound like a viable option or is this just a bad idea?

Welcome any and all comments, good or bad.

I would definitely be interested! I have done this before a few times!

My only caution to the ladies and gents would be to park where your car is away from the meeting spot so no one can get your plates and search for your personal info. Be safe!
Jessica Jade's Avatar
I have done this before also and am always open to do it. Keep me in mind in the future.
My only caution to the ladies and gents would be to park where your car is away from the meeting spot so no one can get your plates and search for your personal info. Be safe! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
This ^^^

That's why I always borrow a friend's car from across town before going on a hobby date. So far my friends haven't correlated those weird calls they received shortly afterward with me borrowing the car.

Seriously, her advice is sound. Also be very leery of anybody asking what kind of car you drive in that last phone call as you're driving in and around the parking lot of the incall. Either act like you didn't hear the question, or just tell 'em you've had second thoughts if they insist on the info. It's none of their business, and there are genuine risks involved in your ride being ID'd.
I personally LOVE this idea.
I have done it, and loved it. Made a big difference.
Most of these ladies are hotter and more alluring in person, and you will
Instantly know if there is a connection.
They may not get much out of it directly, except drinks or lunch or a coffee, but it will
Pay off for them in the long run as they will win a client.
I really like this idea, but what would be the rate for the time; above and beyond the lunch?
Meeting someone for lunch or dinner right before the date is a wonderful way to start things off. I also like to do these type of meetings as the final step of my verification/screening process . I love these affairs because you can have a little foreplay over dinner/drinks.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I love to meet before planning a date, its a great ice breaker and it kind of builds the anticipation of what's to come in the future. I know sometimes people are nervous and want to make sure there is a connection before committing to an hour or longer date.

Unfortunately, I'm only willing to do it after screening. Just because you have an award winning personality doesn't mean your a gentleman. imho
caliente's Avatar
This is what I have been looking for. Public place all safe nothing can blame your for meeting for coffe food or drinks.
I've done this several times. It helps put both parties at ease. You can see that each other is real, genuine, and polite beforehand.

I'm almost always available for coffee, tea or lunch.
Call me crazy but I'd be glad to organize. I'm thinking a lunch on I-20 or a happy hour after work. Maybe Dallas and Fort Worth could join? Not a big deal but a small group - maybe 10-12 people. Got to have some rules and I like Laura's idea about them being screened first so everyone is safe and if there's attraction people could set up a date AFTER the meet and greet. No hobby business discussed during the lunch or drinks. I stress this is just a group of people meeting and the only intention is friendship. Everyone would dress appropriately - business casual I'd assume.

If interested (men and women) just send me a PM and I'll collect names and distribute to the group (privately) so it's not a public ordeal. A couple things come to my mind - no newbies - want only known people and no drama. I'm here to have fun, the spirit of this is to enjoy so let's not be stupid.

Depending on how quickly people respond we could have a meeting this or next week at the latest. I see this as a win-win for everyone. Also, please include your email addresses - I don't like doing everything through PMs as they're not secure. Any other suggestions are appreciated.
  • fryec
  • 01-13-2014, 07:57 AM
Originally this was only intended for me but it seems it has grown past that.

I love where this is headed!

Carry on!

IMO groups are a bad idea. Interested guys/gals should meet prior to sessions though and test out their spidey senses.

Meeting in a group begs lots of questions that don't need answers. There are more people I would not meet with in a big group than people I'd meet with. For example, I only know two guys on this site I trust. So if half your 12 is M, I'm out already. I'd say no to any group meeting and have in the past.

People that want to meet should arrange it personally on a very small group level. I only have 3 people on this site i want to meet right now, all women. And I'm not even sure if anything will come of it.
yohollyrock's Avatar
We have the largest group of any other city and yet we can't have a get together to have a little fun? Other cities have socials all the time (just like we used to) so why can't we? Just a small group of friends getting together after work for happy hour--where's the harm in that? It used to work for us---and for all those who are so worried about whatever ---don't come and you will have nothing to worry about.