Invite from TCUSA shows up on LinkedIn

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I'm posting this at the request and with the approval of the person who brought it to my attention via email.

"I received an invitation on Linked In from Natalie London CEO of TC USA. I tried to search and cannot find much. But the logo she has on Linked In shows up in association with True Companions USA. This has me really rattled. I did contact them once via P411. When they asked for real world info I went quiet."

My correspondent's initial reaction was that P411 is sharing info with LinkedIn. I told him about this thread, wherein it was speculated that LinkedIn's data mining can stretch deep into the bowels of your computer. I told him that I think it's more likely that LinkedIn found a connection on his computer than it is that Natalie found him via P411 information.

Either way, we think this deserves to be posted. My corespondent has contacted Gina to discuss his concerns.

Perhaps Gina or Natalie can contribute to the thread and provide some insight.
Thank you for sharing that!

More and more it's like we don't just need a hobby phone, but a hobby computer too.
in order to send out invites, someone had to use the "import" feature on which will pull from their email product and send invites out. They definitely should not of done this. Scary shit. And ladies should not be sending unsolicited text messages out either which i get from some very well known ladies on this board.
FunInDFW's Avatar
:lol wow! LinkedIn indeed!
Chung Tran's Avatar
in order to send out invites, someone had to use the "import" feature on which will pull from their email product and send invites out. They definitely should not of done this. Scary shit. Originally Posted by cage196
someone did that to me, I found out this morning... got a linked-in request, and saw another name.. a Chick I went out with many years ago.. I'm like "huh"?

I figured it out, I had her name and email in my contacts.. Hell, I hadn't thought of her in 5 years..
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-10-2014, 12:41 PM
Why the fuck are people using their real world emails/phone numbers with hobby business?

Or is it possible for johnsmithhobby to use the same computer/browser as johnsmithrealworld and somehow data get swapped between the two unbeknownst to johnsmith?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Or is it possible for johnsmithhobby to use the same computer/browser as johnsmithrealworld and somehow data get swapped between the two unbeknownst to johnsmith? Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Somehow, this.
Chung Tran's Avatar

update to my earlier post.. don't do what I did!

I had an invitation from a "proffessional woman", she listed her self as a Banking Manager, or something similar.. I have few linked-in connections, and thought "what the Hell", accepted..

I'm waiting on a REAL email from my Boss, so I checked email just now.. that phony new linked-in connection had sent me an email, saying my relative had left $4 million in Africa.. the damn email addressed me by name. the email had the linked-in logo on it!

don't do what I did.. I was irritated and replied that I didn't want the money, that the lady referenced in the email was a whore.. I thought it was funny.. but oops! had to quickly sign-in to Linked-in, see the emailer's name, and delete her! the emails we sent each other were on linked-in.. I think (?) they are now deleted..

Linked-in let themselves get fucked by a scam.. and I did too, through them, I admit.
I have never known anyone who benefitted from that site..
Handle LinkedIn by hand only, no machines, no automatic anything. Never let them mine your email or contacts. If you want to connect with someone, do it by hand, one at a time, and turn all the auto response and auto update to your connections OFF. You'll find enough marginal nutcases out there a couple of degrees off of your hand picked connections anyway. Plus, you don't have to say yes to every dumbfuck who asks to connect, either.
Jake B's Avatar
My guess is they indeed saved email / personal info and imported to LinkedIn either on purpose or by mistake and did not realize how extensive an import process is.

Looks like the invite is coming from Natalie L.
That's rough. I'm not really sure why somebody running an agency would invite anyone on Linked In. I am almost certain that in order to get an unsolicited LinkedIn invite, they have to have your real email address attached to your LinkedIn account.

I admit I don't use a special hobby phone (I don't have an SO so I'm not that worried about it), but I definitely have a hobby laptop and hobby email address.

You would be absolutely shocked at how much information online services can get. A common way they get information is that they can get information about where you came from, so if you are browsing hobby stuff and regular stuff at the same time, the smarter sites will be able to pick up some of what you are doing on other tabs (not if you use different browsers). That is how it seems almost creepy how accurate and targeted Amazon/Facebook ads can be. Best to just keep everything separate.
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 09-10-2014, 05:05 PM
I avoid social media as much as possible. I'm more than happy knowing when I try to google for me there I can't find information on me.
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
Just got a linkedIn invite from a provider in Boston

. . . really?
Why the fuck are people using their real world emails/phone numbers with hobby business?

Or is it possible for johnsmithhobby to use the same computer/browser as johnsmithrealworld and somehow data get swapped between the two unbeknownst to johnsmith? Originally Posted by ~Ze~
I don't use hobby phones or e mail accounts. Just because there's no reason for anyone to know my business. I don't log in through company equipment however.
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
the invite i received was at my hobby email . . .
Just unwanted . .