Can Providers and Clients be Friends?

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As part of the Red Light project, we are including a discussion on how friendships develop between providers and clients. From personal experience, I have developed a close friendship with one provider, but it has been extraordinarily tricky and rocky at times given differing expectations on the provider’s time and misunderstandings about the “true” level of intimacy between us. After all, providers are in the intimacy business and I expect that many clients misread how providers really feel about them.

I would be curious whether providers and clients have developed any real and lasting friendships, how they went about it, and lessons they learned. I would welcome comments here or you are welcome to submit any stories or opinions at our site

See the interesting blog below by Alex Lieberman discussing this.


When Sex Leaves the Friendship. I think there is a time in all providers’ lives when we cross the line and become friends with a hobbyist. It still remains a business relationship, (we’re not going to f*** for free, that’s called marriage isn’t it? Ewwww), but we may give him our personal number, text randomly to each other, and start having conversations and interludes outside the bedroom. This kind of relationship usually starts as a business strategy. We either want the hobbyist to become a regular or know that this is the only way to keep him as a regular. Trust me, we don’t need any more friends, we have a hard enough time keeping up with our two busy lives as is. But it slowly and insidiously becomes more personal than business, and that’s when the big red “ACME” cartoon alarm should start going off in our heads.

Full blog at

Paul, Editor, My Red Light Story Project.