Is the phrase "safety person" code for pimp?

I was recently with a provider and after our session we talked, among other things, about her work and profession. She mentioned in passing about having a "safety person"--she texts this person when clients arrive, I guess a code that mean something like "client is here, it's who I expected, I'm safe at the moment". Then when clients leave she texts again, a code meaning "client has left, no problems, I'm safe", along those lines.

So is this safety person typically an off-site provider, SO, friend, etc who will respond or call the cops if something goes seriously wrong? Or is the term likely to be a euphemism for an on-site pimp, bodyguard, or other shady dude?

The provider in question is a young, smart, fairly upscale type who works out of reasonably nice hotels. Just the kind of provider who I would think would not have or need a pimp.

Sorry if this is naive sounding but I'm pretty new to this aspect of the hobby.
chipper's Avatar
I think it can be any or all of the above. I also think it is a good idea.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I think it can be any or all of the above. I also think it is a good idea. Originally Posted by chipper
Yeah it could be any or all including some creepy pimp....

...but more likely an off-site friend or fellow provider (that recieves the same service from your date)

While I'm sure it is used with incalls as well, I'm more familiar with it in the context of outcalls. That is, she is traveling to a strange location to meet a new person.

I agree it is a good safety practice, although it is decidedly one-sided. If you want to freak out your date after greeting her at the door with a hug, etc. you tell her to hold on a minute, you "need to call your safety contact." I imagine more than one lady would head for the door.
Posted by atlcomedy:
"I agree it is a good safety practice, although it is decidedly one-sided. If you want to freak out your date after greeting her at the door with a hug, etc. you tell her to hold on a minute, you "need to call your safety contact."

Ha ha ha ha ha!!! If that ever happened to me, I would have an awful lot of trouble not laughing out loud.

Hyperkine, I agree with chipper; it can be any or all of the above. My safety contact is actually a very closeby family member! I know a few ladies who escaped serious harm because of their safety person, so it can be very useful. Sometimes the safety person is male, and sometimes the safety person is female.
Many ladies also have safety "objects" in their incalls. Guns, tasers, knives, pepper spray, personal alarms, etc. We must be safe!
No, my safety contact is not my pimp. If that were true, I'd be more than a little behind on doling out the commission...

Which, of course, doesn't mean the same is true for everyone. She could be checking in with her pimp, or her agency, or with the vice squad for all you know, but in an otherwise normal and good situation like you described, it's unlikely.
"...but more likely an off-site friend or fellow provider (that recieves the same service from your date)"

" but in an otherwise normal and good situation like you described, it's unlikely."

Thanks for these responses, was thinking this was the likely scenario...good to have some reassurance.

To China Doll: Regarding safety objects...I take that as a given, and completely agree with you about the need to be safe.
I was recently with a provider and after our session we talked, among other things, about her work and profession. She mentioned in passing about having a "safety person"--she texts this person when clients arrive, I guess a code that mean something like "client is here, it's who I expected, I'm safe at the moment". Then when clients leave she texts again, a code meaning "client has left, no problems, I'm safe", along those lines.

So is this safety person typically an off-site provider, SO, friend, etc who will respond or call the cops if something goes seriously wrong? Or is the term likely to be a euphemism for an on-site pimp, bodyguard, or other shady dude?

The provider in question is a young, smart, fairly upscale type who works out of reasonably nice hotels. Just the kind of provider who I would think would not have or need a pimp.

Sorry if this is naive sounding but I'm pretty new to this aspect of the hobby. Originally Posted by hyperkine
As the others said, yes, it could be any of the above. And it is a good idea, I have a safety person myself.

But you mention that she is young, smart, and fairly upscale.. tee-ha-ha.. You'd be surprised how many ladies that fit this description have pimps. I have met many a provider, "upscale" or not, with this albatross around her neck. The ones that you think wouldn't have or need one are the least likely to lead on that they do during session. I don't understand the principle of such a thing myself, but to each his or her own. So always take precaution when in unknown territory, just in case it is a " shady dude".
I know that there are some crazy things that happen to hobbyists,by providers that try to roll someone or think they are too good to provide a service.But it is a good thing for a girl to have a safety person~no matter who it may be.
How a girl lives her personal life,with a pimp or not,is her business.That is until,it goes too far and they try to hurt someone.But for the most part,a pimp isn't trying to go there.They want to stay in the background.Usually when it turns into something bad,it is when a girl is with a guy~gangbanger or whatever.If a pimp has common sense,he would want his girl to be cool with the hobbyists to keep the $ coming in.The other situation doesn't do anything but bring trouble and I doubt the "pimp" wants to go to prison.
I have been doing this for many years and have seen many girls get hurt by guys that are crazy.One of my friends who lived in Hawaii met a military guy and had her head cut off.I bet she would still be alive if she had a safety person to call~no matter is it was a service,girlfriend,pimp,etc.
I have seen girls met up with guys, after everything checks out, and the guy doesn't feel that he should pay and pull a gun forcing the girl to do something.Sometimes ther are hobbyists that have been ripped off by one provider and take it out on the next.
Not every state deals with these issues the same way.I have had bad things happen to me,I won't deny it.I have called le like when I was beat so bad,I couldn't see and my nose was broken.Le told me,if I wasn't doing what I was doing,it wouldn't have happened to me.Funny,the guy kept doing it,until he killed a few girls and then they decided to do something.
I usually drive myself,but someone always knows where I am.My family knows what I do,so if it takes for me to call my sister so someone knows where I am,I will.
I must live in a pollyanna world. No, safety person doesn't mean pimp. Many of us girls have some sort of safety person.

You're going somewhere you have never been before, to meet someone you don't know from Charles Manson, to put yourself in vulnerable position. You would be close to suicidal to not have someone know who, where and when.
Not every state deals with these issues the same way.I have had bad things happen to me,I won't deny it.I have called le like when I was beat so bad,I couldn't see and my nose was broken.Le told me,if I wasn't doing what I was doing,it wouldn't have happened to me.Funny,the guy kept doing it,until he killed a few girls and then they decided to do something. Originally Posted by Michellepdxxx
Things like that makes my blood boil
trekker's Avatar
Sometimes it does; sometimes it doesn't. If the "safety person" works for the escort or for the same person/people she works for, no. If the "safety person" is also her employer, well...
A girls "safety person" could be anyone from just her friend, to her agency, or best bud. Its good to have one. Especially having a fellow provider as your safety person. She can relate and understand with ease.
I always take a safety person with me whether its a friend in the biz or not. Most times its whoever is available to roll with me for long periods of time. But yea she probably had a friend.. No Worries
I have a good, close 'safety person' who is not a pimp! I text him when I arrive, and he gives me until 15 mins after the seesion and if he doesn't hear back, he will call me. I give him all the details that I know about the individual prior to the date so he would have it all in case something goes wrong. If I know the car he drove, I also send him that info with the license plate number. I've had a few gentlmen get uneasy about the info I was sharing, but it's only with my SO and it doesn't go any further then that!
I have a safety Person matter of fact i have two diffferent ones one male my so (not my pimp) and one female(a fellow provider).. If you guys have seen me b4 you will know that i always have my phone in my hand when you walk in thats cause im sending a message to my girlfriend(another provider) to let her know that i am going in and for how long so that if i dont call her back when i say she can call and check on me same with the guy.

There are some really stupid guys in the world and we all have to be protected even on a guys end i have had guys send there friends messages when they got here so if something happend to them they would know they went to meet somebody.

We all have to be safe