Police Impersonator Working Sun City and Glendale Massage shops- could attack anywhere in Valley

Police Impersonator Working Sun City and Glendale Massage shops- could attack anywhere in Valley

From retired LE who enjoys massage gals:
11/7/2014 - "In the past few days a young white male in his 20's has been going into several shops in Sun City, puts on a ball cap that says sheriff and pulls out a round badge hanging from a strap around his neck. If he were a MCSO it would be a star not a round shield. He is also carrying what appears to be an I-pad or similar device.

"He then asks the girls to open the door so he can inspect. Starts to question them and then demands $500.00 or he will arrest them.

"I have been seeing most of the girls in this area for about 10 years so they are very open with me, even thought they know I a retired LE. Yes I am outing myself but I never cheat these hard working girls and understand none of these girls are part of the sex trade (forced trafficking )that I frequent.

"I worry this guy will take things to a higher level with these girls if they open the door and let him in.

"When I was told this story, I called several shops to warn them about this guy. Luck having it he walked into the one I was on the phone with, told her he was a sheriff and for her to hand up the phone. She said she didn't understand and to tell me what he wanted. He said he did not want to be recorded. Ah gee dumb ass you looked right up at the camera.

"I told him I would be there in 5 minutes and he ran out the door.

"He then went to another shop and tried the same thing and girl did as I had just instructed her to do and say she was calling her boss that he was just 5 minutes away. Again he ran out the door, saying he would be back tomorrow.

"He wears worn looking levis, tan shirt, brown baseball cap and has black strap around his neck with fake badge on it. 5-8 - 5-10 white male with black hair.

"These girls face enough problems and danger without some perp impersonator policeman robbing them.

"This guy is becoming aggressive, and just maybe if we all keep our eyes pealed in the entire valley you just may be able to keep the girl you enjoy for services with one phone call if you see him.

"He also may try to rip off some older customer who get scared when he shows his badge and goes into his cop role. Everything he has looks real, just badge is not shape of star like MCSO which he says he is.

"I am lucky enough to have talked to him and reviewed the video's. Yes even former and some current LE enjoy a good massage. These girls are as good to us as we are to them. They are good people just like you and I."

Dave notes he has sent me shots from the security video to warn others I have sent in Private List warning.