What are the odds of you seeing Recent Pricing Example 2 - The Infamous One at some point in the future.... brought to you at the suggestion of Treetop78759

Whispers's Avatar
Recently there was a series of polls that generated feedback (a considerable amount in some cases) for a random sampling of the Austin Providers.

The Infamous One was one

After reading comments contributed by others as well as responses from the subjects of the polls, if the the price was right for you, would you book a session with her?
nuglet's Avatar
just another pointless "look at me" posting by a "has been"!
Hmmph. I just voted on my own pole. Interesting. I wonder how many chicks voted for theirs and against each other? Mandles included!
Hmmph. I just voted on my own pole. Interesting. I wonder how many chicks voted for theirs and against each other? Mandles included! Originally Posted by The Infamous One

You keep it real!
Iforgottopullout's Avatar
I personally think these ladies charge too much. And a few actually make you use a damn condom.

I would see her for a lower price and if bbfscip was offered. I would really like to do it with her but these factors keep me from doing so.
I personally think these ladies charge too much. And a few actually make you use a damn condom.

I would see her for a lower price and if bbfscip was offered. I would really like to do it with her but these factors keep me from doing so. Originally Posted by Iforgottopullout

You start off too strong. You should be more subtle about it.
nuglet's Avatar
Unless you need to go through Wishpers, (yea, WISH), why do you care about about his polls? But then, I can see that using him as a gateway, may be necessary for some. I'm given to understand he plays pimp for some.
Who me? I don't give a shit what he posts. I only wish he'd stop being a bully to sensitive creatures & calling women whores. But, that'll never happen, because he obviously thrives off the negative attention like a neglected child. But whatever. We have to have some contrast on this board, I suppose. If he likes you great. If he doesn't like you... even better! He helps keep the girls he doesn't like get even more business!
Recently there was a series of polls that generated feedback (a considerable amount in some cases) for a random sampling of the Austin Providers.

The Infamous One was one

After reading comments contributed by others as well as responses from the subjects of the polls, if the the price was right for you, would you book a session with her? Originally Posted by Whispers
Still Looking's Avatar
There..... I hear them again...the birds.

I thought they were extinct. They are the cry's of the "Thick Tongued Albanian Double Breasted Yellow Bellied Cock Suckers".

They were on in two parts of the world... Bavaria and Albania. The very last ones were smuggled into the US by a guy named "Mokoa" who resided in San Antonio. People in the know were "OBSERVING" that the last three might repopulate the species. So they brought in an "INSPECTOR" to evaluate these three rare birds. His consensus was that one was a female and the other two were males. He sadly announced the female was BAT SHIT CRAZY and the other two simply "JOHNNY YANKED" off in front of the female. No chance of them ever repopulating. All they would do is jack off and fly around and if ANYONE was having fun they would try and SHIT on them. For fun they sucked chickens off. What a "FOUL" habit. Lucky for all of us once these three die that will be the end of that. If you are lucky enough to spot one don't hurt it. They are funny to watch and goofy looking but lets just let them die of natural causes!
Are these birds being hunted? Birds of prey? Should they be given some grace? The mystery continues...
Are you sure one isn't​ a vulture?
In a world full of buzzards, I'd be a flamingo.
Raikage's Avatar
In a world full of buzzards, I'd be a flamingo. Originally Posted by The Infamous One
In a world full of flamingos, I'd suck your titties.
Still Looking's Avatar
Are these birds being hunted? Birds of prey? Should they be given some grace? The mystery continues... Originally Posted by The Infamous One
Are you sure one isn't​ a vulture? Originally Posted by The Infamous One
In a world full of buzzards, I'd be a flamingo. Originally Posted by The Infamous One