Stood up by Lisette

Date: 11/26/17
Provider: Lisette
User ID: 284681
Phone: Found in her ad
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Waco
State: Texas
Address: Waco
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: None
Session Length: 60
Fee: 375
Hair Length and Color: NA
Age: NA
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Unknown since I never saw her.
Recommendation: No
Swordmaster69's Avatar
This should not be a review.....just a NCNS...and throw it into the coed section
I firmly disagree.

I don't think it's fair that there seems to be an established pattern of her doing this and she gets to keep all her yes recommendations pristine.

I value the girls time but I value mine just as much or more. I invested quite a bit of time to setup a meet.

A review on record let's people know that this girl even though she may be awesome, doesn't stick to her commitments all the time. And this information should be tied to the provider. Not slip away into the abyss after there are about new threads.

So if you are pressed for time or have limited availability, you can consider the risks of scheduling someone that won't even let you know she isn't going to show.

Like I said in the review, I hope she is ok. The girls' safety is important. But you do have to consider that she was making a 2 hour drive. So she knew she wasn't going to make it at least 2 hours before or scheduled time.

A text or a pm here would have been helpful. We all have lives and my reviews reflect that. A review is merely information for others here to consider who is best to spend their time with. I think my review meets that criteria.
Ranchhand's Avatar
Even though your join date shows you as a newbi, you seem to have more knowledge than your typical newbi. Either that or you studied a lot of instructions on how to write reviews. If that is the case then you should know it is the policy of Eccie now to post a no show in the review section. So I think you should follow the rules of this site to maybe get along better on here. Just a little advice from a old timer, take it or leave it.
I don't mean to step on anyone's toes. I am very new to this as any of the providers I've seen will attest to.

I am a quick study and saw nothing in the rules of what to do with a ncns. If I missed it, please point me in the where it is and I will apologize and appeal my review.

One of the things that the eccie "how to write a review" states is to write a review as if you are reading it as a newbie and make the information helpful.

As a newbie, not even putting my toe in this hobby a week ago, I can tell you that information such as what I provide above is important.

If I only have one evening to myself to meet up with someone and the provider ncns's that is essentially a waste of a night. I may not get another chance to plan a meet up for another month or longer.

Knowing who you can count on to be there if the provider says they will be there is important information needed to make an appropriate risk analysis to plan if your evening will take place or not.

If you are doing this every night then seeing a review of ncns shouldn't deter you at all. You may be let down but hey you can have a go at it again the next day.

Again, I am not here to step on toes. And if it's a rule not to do reviews like this then I sincerely apologize. I am merely trying to help the community and provide information that I personally would find helpful from other members as well.

Also, thank you on the compliment if my reviews. I actually haven't read any other ros' yet not being a premium member. Just went off the example that was given.
knotty man's Avatar
Even though your join date shows you as a newbi, you seem to have more knowledge than your typical newbi. Either that or you studied a lot of instructions on how to write reviews. If that is the case then you should know it is the policy of Eccie now to post a no show in the review section. So I think you should follow the rules of this site to maybe get along better on here. Just a little advice from a old timer, take it or leave it. Originally Posted by Ranchhand
When did it become Eccie policy to post no shows in the review section.
I wasn't aware of this change.
Has it been implemented recently?
Swordmaster69's Avatar
If there was no face to face meeting...its a NCNS....not a Review....just goes in the COED section or ML.
I had an interaction with the provider. What makes a face to face interaction the trigger for a review?

I still haven't been shown where the rule is and I've searched and couldn't locate it.

It seems that this is an etiquette thing but no one seems to explain why?

My understanding is the reviews are written by those of us who wish to share information about the provider to help other hobbyists decide if the provider is someone they would like to see or not.

The reviews aren't some jackoff diary.

I still maintain that if it's a rule not to do it, then fine. I think it would be a very counter productive and hypocritical rule, but I'd comply.

This information is important and should be easily accessable and not require you to search posts and threads in the co ed section.
ddaddict65's Avatar
I agree with you Bollix, these guys on here think they know it all. Because their old vets. They all stick together, all of them think they know it all.
I agree with Bollix 100%.
wanderingbone's Avatar
Ha! Imagine how many No's the unicorn would have!
knotty man's Avatar
Ha! Imagine how many No's the unicorn would have! Originally Posted by wanderingbone
Tru dat.
And I was one of her biggest fans