Planning for the long dark winter yet?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
In a nearly dead forum in a city now famous for it's camping pleasures that can be enjoyed at any time, by anyone, anywhere (except in front of city hall apparently) - I made mention of preparing for the long dark winter ahead.

In thinking about the upcoming long dark winter, even though it hasn't even reached 100 degrees here yet - I was thinking about flu shots (Influenza type), because, you know - it's all safe and stuff. Basically, I was contemplating (it's what I do) about how the Powers That Be, like the CDC, are going to handle garden variety flu vaccines and the COVID jab, considering that some LSM puppets are floating the "booster" shot concept for the COVID already.

This will be the first winter season where both jabs are readily available, even though there was no influenza last year apparently. Anyway, ran across this article that I'm still digesting. I find it a teeny bit worrisome that settled science might actually be more of presumed science.

Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (and Other Supporting Studies)
On March 12th, 2020, Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta held a global town hall on “Corona Facts and Fears.” During the discussion, Anderson said to the viewing audience, “And, again, if you are concerned about coronavirus, and you haven’t gotten a flu shot…you should get a flu shot.”

Setting safety and efficacy of influenza vaccination aside, is Anderson’s claim that the flu shot will help people fight COVID-19 remotely true? The short answer is no.

In fact, the results of many peer-reviewed, published studies prove that Anderson’s recommendation may have been the worst advice he could have given the public...

No sense waiting to the last minute to solve a riddle that's stuffed into an enigma that's wrapped in a conundrum.
LexusLover's Avatar
From more than one physician and/or hospital staff it has been stated to me that you should not take both .... flu & Covid19.

Do a little more inquiry into the potential threats that the "Covid19" shots address ... aside from the primary target.

Also, if you have any other body fluid issues (and I'm not asking what they might be) you might want to address them by seeking CONFIRMATION that the organs processing those fluids WILL NOT BE AFFECTED by any of the shots in the "market"!

I'll just leave it at that other than opining that the information being released regarding these opinions as to what is appropriate is incomplete ... as is much medical advice, which includes treatments by injections and/or pills.

Almost all of the reporting is "political" and "social" in nature. And I clearly wouldn't pay attention to the self-proclaimed scientists posting on Eccie for advice. FYI: I am directing your learned attention to legitimate resources for scientific/pharmaceutical guidance...that's what I do, because the physicians/etc use pharma ads and publicity sheets for their resource. I don't. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Copied and pasted, fyi. Corrected spelling of flue (to flu) for the anal group on here who lack any substantive criticism.

While you're on the general topic ... early on I noticed from READING (contrary to ludicrous remarks I do!) I noticed a protocol in the early treatment of oxygen and vitamin C (liquid with drip). From past experience in deep diving in restricted/low visibility conditions I learned to extra-slow inhale air before buttoning up to saturate lungs and then while down exhaled 1/2 breaths. I already took copious amounts of C .... (you can't over take it ... it passes naturally without accumulation).

Early on last year I took extra C daily, because I was working in a firm in their office and using mass transportation (didn't need a vehicle of my own) to and from work. When I felt any throat or lung tingling I would extra inhale SLOWLY and FULLY as in the "old days"! I gargled before and after interacting with the public with Listerine ... carried in vehicle.

In stores with carts ... I picked one from the parking lot racks outside .... toward the front of the line ... out there longer (ultra-violet cooking!). And before I put my feet in the vehicle on return .... alcohol spray.

In the stores/shopping I avoided inside "traffic jams" and I did my own check out when available. I also avoided any bats flying around Walmart etc.
  • Tiny
  • 06-06-2021, 08:35 AM
In a nearly dead forum in a city now famous for it's camping pleasures that can be enjoyed at any time, by anyone, anywhere (except in front of city hall apparently) - I made mention of preparing for the long dark winter ahead.

In thinking about the upcoming long dark winter, even though it hasn't even reached 100 degrees here yet - I was thinking about flu shots (Influenza type), because, you know - it's all safe and stuff. Basically, I was contemplating (it's what I do) about how the Powers That Be, like the CDC, are going to handle garden variety flu vaccines and the COVID jab, considering that some LSM puppets are floating the "booster" shot concept for the COVID already.

This will be the first winter season where both jabs are readily available, even though there was no influenza last year apparently. Anyway, ran across this article that I'm still digesting. I find it a teeny bit worrisome that settled science might actually be more of presumed science.

Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (and Other Supporting Studies)
On March 12th, 2020, Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta held a global town hall on “Corona Facts and Fears.” During the discussion, Anderson said to the viewing audience, “And, again, if you are concerned about coronavirus, and you haven’t gotten a flu shot…you should get a flu shot.”

Setting safety and efficacy of influenza vaccination aside, is Anderson’s claim that the flu shot will help people fight COVID-19 remotely true? The short answer is no.

In fact, the results of many peer-reviewed, published studies prove that Anderson’s recommendation may have been the worst advice he could have given the public...

No sense waiting to the last minute to solve a riddle that's stuffed into an enigma that's wrapped in a conundrum. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Interesting, thanks for that. From the conclusions of the paper:

Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections.

I didn't want to pay for the paper. But your blacklisted news article shows a graph that's probably from the paper. It shows the incidence of "all non-influenza viruses" is about 10% higher in people who've had the flu vaccine. Cases of coronavirus and metapneumovirus were significantly higher in the vaccinated, but, except for COVID 19, I don't think these kill many people. Given the protection the flu vaccine gives from influenza viruses, and given I've had the COVID 19 vaccine, which protects against the only deadly coronavirus out there right now, I'll probably go ahead and get the flu vaccine this fall, as always.

But, could this work the other way? Could the COVID 19 vaccine offer protection from infection by other coronaviruses? Would you be less likely to get the common cold if vaccinated? Possibly yes:

I ran across this, about development of a vaccine that would work against most coronaviruses:

For vaccine lovers like me this is exciting. Not only would you have some protection from the common cold, but also from any coronaviruses like SARS, which came from bats in China, and MERS, which came from bats in Saudi Arabia. SARS and MERS have higher mortality rates than COVID 19. If you ever have something with the mortality rate of MERS (35%) and that's as infectious as COVID 19, we're in trouble unless there's a vaccine. The East Asians would get through it OK, but the western world would be fucked.
LexusLover's Avatar
"abc" and "nytimes"! hahahahahaha
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That would be “nytimes!”

  • Tiny
  • 06-06-2021, 08:53 AM
FYI: I am directing your learned attention to legitimate resources for scientific/pharmaceutical guidance...that's what I do, because the physicians/etc use pharma ads and publicity sheets for their resource. I don't. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You don't post links, except for photos, so I guess that means we're supposed to ignore medical advice from our physicians and instead rely on whatever you tell us to do here. But since you read 30,000 pages a day maybe that's not a bad idea. You must know a lot more than the doctors.

Copied and pasted, fyi. Corrected spelling of flue (to flu) for the anal group on here who lack any substantive criticism.

While you're on the general topic ... early on I noticed from READING (contrary to ludicrous remarks I do!) I noticed a protocol in the early treatment of oxygen and vitamin C (liquid with drip). From past experience in deep diving in restricted/low visibility conditions I learned to extra-slow inhale air before buttoning up to saturate lungs and then while down exhaled 1/2 breaths. I already took copious amounts of C .... (you can't over take it ... it passes naturally without accumulation).

Early on last year I took extra C daily, because I was working in a firm in their office and using mass transportation (didn't need a vehicle of my own) to and from work. When I felt any throat or lung tingling I would extra inhale SLOWLY and FULLY as in the "old days"! I gargled before and after interacting with the public with Listerine ... carried in vehicle.

In stores with carts ... I picked one from the parking lot racks outside .... toward the front of the line ... out there longer (ultra-violet cooking!). And before I put my feet in the vehicle on return .... alcohol spray.

In the stores/shopping I avoided inside "traffic jams" and I did my own check out when available. I also avoided any bats flying around Walmart etc. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you'd read the Eastern Virginia Medical University prophylactic protocol for COVID 19 link posted by Why_Yes_I_Do, you might have added quercetin, Vitamin D, and low dose melatonin to the Vitamin C. But a physician came up with that and you would have had to click on a link to read it.
  • Tiny
  • 06-06-2021, 09:05 AM
"abc" and "nytimes"! hahahahahaha Originally Posted by LexusLover
If this is an American main stream media issue for you, please note abc stands for Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
LexusLover's Avatar
If you'd read the Eastern Virginia Medical University prophylactic protocol for COVID 19 link posted by Why_Yes_I_Do, you might have added quercetin, Vitamin D, and low dose melatonin to the Vitamin C. But a physician came up with that and you would have had to click on a link to read it. Originally Posted by Tiny
Why? Please continue your drivel.

Your deficiency is that you are reading nonconfidential documents and studies ... and you didn't have any prior training and experience in operating in a bio-hazardous environment without a rebreathing cover and respirator. I did about 25 years ago ... and recently had the opportunity to READ thousands of pages of documents ..... confidential to you and 99.99% of others .... and as recent as a month ago for over a year.

That's about all I can say and will say.

I was giving my opinion and personal experience which you obviously lack because you keep reference abc and nytimes! But you'd rather trash people than learn.
  • Tiny
  • 06-06-2021, 09:27 AM
Why? Please continue your drivel.

Your deficiency is that you are reading nonconfidential documents and studies ... and you didn't have any prior training and experience in operating in a bio-hazardous environment without a rebreathing cover and respirator. I did about 25 years ago ... and recently had the opportunity to READ thousands of pages of documents ..... confidential to you and 99.99% of others .... and as recent as a month ago for over a year.

That's about all I can say and will say.

I was giving my opinion and personal experience which you obviously lack because you keep reference abc and nytimes! But you'd rather trash people than learn. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Understood. Only .001% of the population has access to the confidential documents and studies that tell the real truth about the coronavirus. And if you had prior training and experience in operating in a bio-hazardous environment without a rebreathing cover and respirator, then you were ideally equipped to weather the crisis just passed.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If this is an American main stream media issue for you, please note abc stands for Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Originally Posted by Tiny
there are 3 broadcast companies with those letters ABC.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
But uhhhm, is common sense allowed here? Ask'n for a fren...

Copied and pasted, fyi. Corrected spelling of flue (to flu) for the anal group on here who lack any substantive criticism.

While you're on the general topic ... early on I noticed from READING (contrary to ludicrous remarks I do!) I noticed a protocol in the early treatment of oxygen and vitamin C (liquid with drip). From past experience in deep diving in restricted/low visibility conditions I learned to extra-slow inhale air before buttoning up to saturate lungs and then while down exhaled 1/2 breaths. I already took copious amounts of C .... (you can't over take it ... it passes naturally without accumulation).

Early on last year I took extra C daily, because I was working in a firm in their office and using mass transportation (didn't need a vehicle of my own) to and from work. When I felt any throat or lung tingling I would extra inhale SLOWLY and FULLY as in the "old days"! I gargled before and after interacting with the public with Listerine ... carried in vehicle.

In stores with carts ... I picked one from the parking lot racks outside .... toward the front of the line ... out there longer (ultra-violet cooking!). And before I put my feet in the vehicle on return .... alcohol spray.

In the stores/shopping I avoided inside "traffic jams" and I did my own check out when available. I also avoided any bats flying around Walmart etc. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
Understood. .... the crisis just passed. Originally Posted by Tiny
Sir ... "the crisis" has not "passed"! If it were "passed" ...

... there would be no justification for isolating and depriving that has been continually ordered by unauthorized elected officials ... and informal social pressures generated by them.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Understood. Only .001% of the population has access to the confidential documents and studies that tell the real truth about the coronavirus... Originally Posted by Tiny
I'm just now digging into this, so don't have a battalion of ducks neatly aligned in formation just yet. But, I can tell you it takes a bit more effort to grind out view points and information sources these days. Seems to be a nasty virus running amuck that obscures or eliminates viewpoints and data that do not support the narrative de jour - and that's a BIG problem.

But the intermingled topic of Influenza and the COVID has been raging for almost a year, but not so much the dueling jabs for them both. I fall on the side of: I don't take either jab and have not done the flu jab ever. Sure, sometimes I get the flu (rarely) and I power through it. I try to beef up the immune system to fortify the castle walls. If they ever do a credible study that says Bourbon is a top immune system enhancer - I'll be freak'n Bulleit-proof.
LexusLover's Avatar
I fall on the side of: I don't take either jab and have not done the flu jab ever. Sure, sometimes I get the flu (rarely) and I power through it. I try to beef up the immune system to fortify the castle walls. If they ever do a credible study that says Bourbon is a top immune system enhancer - I'll be freak'n Bulleit-proof. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
A little glimpse into the social-protocol is:

#1: The SCOTUS/VSCOTUS in the early Fall last year (before the election) were announcing they would not take the vaccine if Trump said it was safe. It's the same vaccine that they actually took and that they are now insisting everyone take (except illegal aliens) or risk be excluded from social and business activities.

#2: Public school students are in the lowest risk group, but they are now being REQUIRED to take the vaccines ... in some instances TO ATTEND SCHOOL!

#3: The periodic disclosure of the worst anti-Trumpers and loudest proponents of MASKING ... seen UNMASKED close proximity occasions .... not to mention the "peaceful" marching and burning of Federal buildings in violation of "social distancing" requirements.

They are now trying to blame bats so they won't have to hold China's feet to the fire .... for creating the invasion and lying.

It makes the Russian Hoax ... look laughable. They are transparent, but they don't realize it. They are struggling to stay in power, because they can't pass favorable Federal voting fraud and they underestimated the intelligence of those who oppose their dictatorship. "Neanderthals"? That's the POTUS' name calling.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ Yup ^ and for anyone that is really interested in truth read " Vaccine Epidemic " first printing 2008 he points out exactly whats going on now .