Can guys see what gals put on infoshare?

Sherry of DFW's Avatar
I thought Infoshare was for gals to warn other gals about negative experiences with clients, and that the info was limited only to other gals to see.. Yet, when I click on my "posts", what I have said negatively about certain guys is there for all to see. Can a guy see what a gal says about him just by clicking on her "posts'?
You are doing a pretty good job of informing everyone that you have posted negative comments about certain guys. That is probably a bad idea, as guys who have had appointments with you will now start wondering if they are one of the guys who got hit with a bad report.

Of course you can see your own posting history. Why would that be hidden from you?

Regarding ECCIE alone and the permissions: Mods can see what you have posted in Infoshare as we help moderate those forums. If you post in the Powder Room, we can't see what you posted, nor can we have access to it by looking at your posting history. Male members not on staff can't see what you have posted beyond the public forums.

As far as information posted on the internet: No information is ever secret. If you do not want the other person finding out, keep the info to yourself, otherwise post as if you were posting it out in the open. Information gets out first by other members of the group you share the info with ( verified providers ). Then there are all sorts of other possibilities. The point being, don't post as if you have some special protections, because you will have a false sense of security. The information can be obtained if someone is determined to get it.
Boltfan's Avatar
As a word of caution. If you have so many good and one bad, MOST will weigh all the evidence at a hand. Bringing the bad review to the attention of more people who might have not seen it in the first place rarely does YOU any good.

Good luck in your decision.