tech question

A friend is trying to create an account using my laptop. He keeps getting a message when submitting the regestration that he cannot create multiple handles on this forum.

The username is not in use and the registeration allows him to use it. We are on a public network and I have not used this laptop to connect to eccie in years. Gets the same error on his smart phone
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
contact a mod which you should have done first before trying. they wil think you are setting up more than one handle from the same ip address
Torito's Avatar
Not there any more so it really does not matter. however, will post some details of what happened in case its of help for someone else.

At an eatery using their public wifi. Never have used the laptop there so the IP of the laptop had never been assoicated with that laptop or either my account or the new account being attempted.

While attached to the public wifi, we tried to set up a new account for my friend using my laptop. Kept getting error about not being able to create multiple handes for this forum during the registration process. Switched to his pohone which was also connected to the same public network. Got the same error message. So, laptop was not the problem. I was able to log in to my account through the laptop with no problem.

He then dropped off the public wifi on his phone and was able to create the same exact new handle. So his phone was not the problem. Then logged out of my handle and logged in with his new handle in my laptop. 17" screen much easier to work on than a smart phone.

Whe trying to log in with his new handle got message that he had been banned and was not allowed to create new handles. OK. Used his phone off the local wifi and was able to log in OK.

Something strange about the Wifi we were going through. Thought it might be a blocked IP at ECCIE end but then I would not have been able to log in with my account.

As I said, we are not there any more so issue is resolved for us. Hopfully the details might help if someone else encounters this.