How Important Is Intellect?

When searching for a provider, do you read her posts, check out her spelling, grammar and the way she presents herself on this forum or do you only look at the pictures on her showcase/website and activities listed on her reviews?
Do you like a lady who can hold her own in a conversation as opposed to a girl who just smiles at you uncomprehendingly as you attempt to converse with her?
Or is it a case of, "Her mouth will be otherwise occupied, who cares about small talk". LOL.
Just curious.
When searching for a provider, do you read her posts, check out her spelling, grammar and the way she presents herself on this forum or do you only look at the pictures on her showcase/website and activities listed on her reviews?
Do you like a lady who can hold her own in a conversation as opposed to a girl who just smiles at you uncomprehendingly as you attempt to converse with her?
Or is it a case of, "Her mouth will be otherwise occupied, who cares about small talk". LOL.
Just curious.
Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
Lol pretty much. If its just for an hour not a lot of time for the intellectual stuff... I know people usually type fast and dont proofread posts all the time so spelling or grammar isnt a huge deal.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 07-20-2011, 10:14 AM
Allie, you raise some good points. Personally, I do pay some attention to her posts and ads in regards to spelling and also "tone". I like it when a lady can spell and also write competently, i.e. no "ghetto talk".

I like to converse at least a little before and after activities but it doesn't have to be scholarly. Chit chat is fine such as current events, movies, the hobby, etc. I know everyone protects their privacy but I'm always a little surprised at how many ladies tell me personal tidbits about themselves. Not their names and addresses but things about their personal lives. That helps make the experience a little more "human".
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Dumb people can be sweet as pie sometimes and smart people can be vindictive as hell. I'm on the lookout for the person who doesn't care if she gets bad attention or good attention. The person who thinks they'd like to be a guest on the Springer show is the type of person who wouldn't mind causing a scene, and that's the person.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I like a brain. The main reason is that it lets me know that the lady is in the hobby because she wants to be. I don't want to be with someone who feels like she has to be in the hobby, or has a pimp or SO who is forcing her into it or who is doing this to support a habit or something. I don't want to reinforce someone's low opinion of herself. A smart woman is more likely to be in it for fun, and money of course, and has a positive view of herself. There are exceptions of course. Besides, I like to chat.
I like to laugh and the person that can cause me to do that wins.
It's somewhat important. If their voicemail greeting is loaded with rap, hip hop music,
I will move on. If they talk ghetto, especially phony ghetto, I will move on.
They don't have to be geniuses, just converse in a civilized, business like manner.
It's short term thing anyway.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 07-20-2011, 01:14 PM
What a fantastic co-incidence.
I would venture to say that what Vito said would be about what most of us would like to be however, i think that attraction and price, ultimately are the biggest reason for those who are on a budget.
N2SEX46's Avatar
I like a somewhat intelligent young lady, but she doesn't have to be degreed. I have to admit that I used to read closely on their spelling and correct grammar, but with all of the texting, that isn't applicable anymore, at least for me.
Allie, you do bring up an interesting topic and I'm guilty, I look for a lot of things in the girl I'm checking out. Personally, I think on the whole KC is blessed with the providers we have here. I also have to agree with the three amigos (Vito, COG, and the Captain).
  • KCboy
  • 07-20-2011, 06:36 PM
Allie excellent thread and brings up some food for thought. The mind is a powerful object. I must admit that of course a cute girl with great pics who appears to be intelligent does get my attention first. However its the girl who can stimulate me intellectually as well as physically that I will see on a repeat basis. In fact I love dinner dates with those who are fun to talk to and have a great sense of humor to go along with the obvious. To each his own thats what makes this so much fun and stimulating!
cliffbeefcake's Avatar
At the risk of sounding like a complete dick, I normally won't see a provider that can't put together a complete sentence. I used to teach English so poor grammar is a pretty big pet peeve of mine, but more importantly I find articulate, intelligent women incredibly sexy. Not like we need to be deconstructing Vonnegut while getting physical, it's just that great conversation makes for an overall better experience for me. And competence with language generally indicates a strong intelligence.
Personally, if I were to select a girl to pursue sexually...It would be someone at least relatively intelligent.
I(not to sound overly judgemental) find it too 'white trash' when someone can't hold their own...and to me, that is unattractive
malwoody's Avatar
When searching for a provider, do you read her posts, check out her spelling, grammar and the way she presents herself on this forum or do you only look at the pictures on her showcase/website and activities listed on her reviews?
Do you like a lady who can hold her own in a conversation as opposed to a girl who just smiles at you uncomprehendingly as you attempt to converse with her?
Or is it a case of, "Her mouth will be otherwise occupied, who cares about small talk". LOL.
Just curious.
Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
It's interesting that you would start a thread on intellect since your intellect is certainly above average and I post this with all due respect.
Thank you. I don't consider myself to be an intellectual superior to anyone, I myself enjoy reading posts that I can understand.
I came across a few provider's comments that had me squinting at the screen trying to make sense out of the jumble of letters. It made me wonder how others felt about these types of posts so I decided to ask.

Of course, I take into consideration that when sending a comment from a phone, it may be easier to take short cuts and to not use full words or slang when typing something out.
It still causes me to wonder.