The Real Party Animal....

Libertarian Views on Prostitution:

The general consensus among libertarians is that prostitution is a victimless crime, an activity between two consenting adults. The act of having sex should not be the subject of regulation, even if the act does not involve love or if it involves the exchange of money. Prostitution is done with consent, and therefore is an activity that signifies a person’s expression of his ownership of his body and the things he or she wants to do with it as long as the act does not infringe on the basic rights of others. In fact, it is strong libertarian beliefs such as these that are fueling the drive to repeal regulations on sex by consenting adults.

Prostitution as Trade:

Libertarians take it another step further by viewing prostitution as the voluntary sale of goods or exchange of services. The concept of self ownership applies here as well, since you cannot sell or offer for rent anything that you do not own. Individuals have the right to offer their own labor services without any interference from the state or from organized religion. As long as the transaction is voluntary, there is no reason why government should intervene. Any interference would constitute a violation of the personal liberties of the persons whose rights are being restricted.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Prostitution as Trade:

Libertarians take it another step further by viewing prostitution as the voluntary sale of goods or exchange of services. [/COLOR][/SIZE] Originally Posted by ...Baby...
So how much do you really weigh?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep, the laws are fucked up with the prostitute generally getting the raw end of the deal rather than those that profit from the services. The idea that the "sex trade" can be eliminated is something that is not achievable.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yep, the laws are fucked up with the prostitute generally getting the raw end of the deal rather than those that profit from the services. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You mean the pimps?

If prostitution is "legalized" government (local, state, and federal) will still be involved .... inspecting, licensing, and taxing. Just like every "profession.'

Rates will go up to cover the "overhead" and the "providers" will thin out. My guess: The looks ratings will drop!

And this forum will move to a "Social Study" board.
You mean the pimps?

If prostitution is "legalized" government (local, state, and federal) will still be involved .... inspecting, licensing, and taxing. Just like every "profession.'

Rates will go up to cover the "overhead" and the "providers" will thin out. My guess: The looks ratings will drop!

And this forum will move to a "Social Study" board. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The government certainly got involved in the trade in WW2 in certain areas of the globe to control diseases and not have so many GI's out on sick call with " the drips " . And the dumbascraps will want a slice of that revenue stream in taxes and fees just like they always do to business. But will they exempt the places like Ekim and woomby run, the gloryholes, so as not to upset their voting base ? Since they've exempted the unions from odummer care rules and regulations, it figures they'd protect their swishy walking buddies too.
You mean the pimps?

If prostitution is "legalized" government (local, state, and federal) will still be involved .... inspecting, licensing, and taxing. Just like every "profession.'

Rates will go up to cover the "overhead" and the "providers" will thin out. My guess: The looks ratings will drop!

And this forum will move to a "Social Study" board. Originally Posted by LexusLover

With less government and lower taxes, you could keep more of what you earn. It would be easier to start new businesses, build new homes, and fuel stronger economic growth. Libertarians believe that if government's role were limited to protecting our lives, rights and property, then America would prosper and thrive as never before. Then the federal government could concentrate on protecting our Constitutional rights and defending us from foreign attack. A federal government that did only those two things, could do them better and at a small fraction of the cost. Instead of tending to the basics, government has grown into a bloated conglomerate of political services that gets larger every year -- with no end in sight.

For example, politicians spend millions of dollars to urge people not to smoke -- while spending more millions to subsidize tobacco farmers. They send billions overseas for foreign aid -- while the federal deficit swells. They spend millions to subsidize public art -- while working families struggle to pay their taxes.

Politicians also run trains, bail out savings and loans, construct houses, sell insurance, print books, and build basketball courts -- you name it! But the fact is, every service supplied by the government can be provided better and cheaper by private business.

*Pic removed - JCM

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-18-2015, 09:51 AM
All one has to do is look at the legalization of Alcohol.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You mean the pimps?

If prostitution is "legalized" government (local, state, and federal) will still be involved .... inspecting, licensing, and taxing. Just like every "profession.'

Rates will go up to cover the "overhead" and the "providers" will thin out.
My guess: The looks ratings will drop!

And this forum will move to a "Social Study" board. Originally Posted by LexusLover

All one has to do is look at the legalization of Alcohol. Originally Posted by WTF
Inspected, regulated and heavily taxed, and only the big players are making any money off of it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
the best way to handle it is to decriminalize where the government has no laws pertaining to prostitution by an individual. Now if you want to run a brothel, agency, or such then you are probably looking at government regulation unless you prohibit anyone from profiting from the trade other than the individual. That would take care of being able to prosecute the pimps and sex slave traffickers.
the idea that there must be laws pertaining to all aspects of our life and the government must regulate and control everything is a big part of what is wrong with this nation.
LexusLover's Avatar
With less government and lower taxes, you could keep more of what you earn. Originally Posted by ...Baby...
Hookers do now. If it's legalized, the honeymoon is over.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Smart hookers pay their taxes (or at least something that resembles that).
they did not get Al Capone for being an organized crime boss.
  • DSK
  • 12-18-2015, 03:38 PM
With less government and lower taxes, you could keep more of what you earn. It would be easier to start new businesses, build new homes, and fuel stronger economic growth. Libertarians believe that if government's role were limited to protecting our lives, rights and property, then America would prosper and thrive as never before. Then the federal government could concentrate on protecting our Constitutional rights and defending us from foreign attack. A federal government that did only those two things, could do them better and at a small fraction of the cost. Instead of tending to the basics, government has grown into a bloated conglomerate of political services that gets larger every year -- with no end in sight.

For example, politicians spend millions of dollars to urge people not to smoke -- while spending more millions to subsidize tobacco farmers. They send billions overseas for foreign aid -- while the federal deficit swells. They spend millions to subsidize public art -- while working families struggle to pay their taxes.

Politicians also run trains, bail out savings and loans, construct houses, sell insurance, print books, and build basketball courts -- you name it! But the fact is, every service supplied by the government can be provided better and cheaper by private business.

*Pic removed - JCM

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. Originally Posted by ...Baby...
Libertarianism would only work in a small, one culture high trust environment. Much as I hate the loss of freedom, we need the government to regulate the economy in this all havoc all the time multicultural bullshit country we live in.

P. S. Prostitution should certainly be decriminalized. If two faggots can legally get married, I should legally be able to pay a pretty young girl (18+) for sex.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think that the point of view expressed more closely equates to real conservatism and not faux conservatism (which looks in some ways like liberalism). Real conservatives believe the most of amount of happiness for the most people. If you want to exchange time, money, or property for time and effort then that is your business long as you don't impinge on anyone else's rights. So an argument can be made for a married provider or hobbyist harming others in a marriage. Liberals on the other hand are very sneaky. They publically claim sympathy for providers (they are all victims you know) but they also place penalities on those caught in the act. It works for liberals to put someone in harness with an arrest for the crime of prostitution. For the provider, we want you to help us help you by giving us names. For the hobbyist, we're going to fine you, force you to hire a lawyer, and make you go to counseling (and pay for it as well) because we think you're the next thing to a slaver.

Don't be confused by the many flavors of conservative (which is what is happening as the libs read this). There are religious conservatives (that do no like the hobby but are also the smallest part of th movement), there are fiscal conservatives, foreign policy conservatives, and constitutional conservatives (we don't care who you fuck as long as it's consensual and not your sister)
I think that the point of view expressed more closely equates to real conservatism and not faux conservatism (which looks in some ways like liberalism). Real conservatives believe the most of amount of happiness for the most people. If you want to exchange time, money, or property for time and effort then that is your business long as you don't impinge on anyone else's rights. So an argument can be made for a married provider or hobbyist harming others in a marriage. Liberals on the other hand are very sneaky. They publically claim sympathy for providers (they are all victims you know) but they also place penalities on those caught in the act. It works for liberals to put someone in harness with an arrest for the crime of prostitution. For the provider, we want you to help us help you by giving us names. For the hobbyist, we're going to fine you, force you to hire a lawyer, and make you go to counseling (and pay for it as well) because we think you're the next thing to a slaver.

Don't be confused by the many flavors of conservative (which is what is happening as the libs read this). There are religious conservatives (that do no like the hobby but are also the smallest part of th movement), there are fiscal conservatives, foreign policy conservatives, and constitutional conservatives (we don't care who you fuck as long as it's consensual and not your sister) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Libertarianism: A political philosophy emphasising the liberty of the individual, with as little intervention as possible by the state in the affairs of the citizenry

Liberalism: the state of being liberal, notably in emphasising the rights and freedom of the individual, usually with government guarantees for those rights and freedom