Lingth a question for the ladies

When I was in S.C. I saw a provider who liked older men and after she knew I asked her why the girls liked older men? She said that older men don't negotiate and they have smaller packages her words not mine. I have noticed that very few girls when I get them in very compromising positions seem to be uncomfortable with my length like They were in my early years. Now I am almost half past 60 and I wonder do men get shorter as they get older? What are your thoughts I think a lot of us would like to know least of all me.
Not least of all.
Well... I disagree older does not means smaller... I would happily intro her to a few gents that would prove that theory wrong...

What I will say is an older man is not usually in as big a hurry. He has learned that taking his time is rewarded with a womans true passion. Her body is much more ready to accept all he has to offer.

The hurry up and just get off is all about him, my older gents are absolutely all about US...
Yeah, Ray, I'd listen to Heidi in this regard. You might reconsider your source of info there.
I'd take the biological/physiological opinions of a twenty-something with a grain of salt, lol.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I mean many people get shorter as they age but that usually just applies to their height not the length of their penis.
Lol I dunno what she's talking about other than it seems you're a minority for her as far as being of a more distinguished age with a big dong lol .
The only thing I might agree with her is that many older gents (but i'm 26 so "older" to me is like 45+) don't often attempt to negotiate.
I guess there are the obvious, commonly known things that come with age but those are more due to circulation and chemicals and such? I'm 46 and my body doesn't behave like it did when I was 26 so sometimes there's not raging, chopping wood hard-ons like 20 years ago so maybe that would account for a difference but I wouldn't call it shrinking.
Funny thing in regards to physiology and circulation, I had a buddy who quit smoking and after a couple months, he swore the damn thing got bigger lol!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I guess there are the obvious, commonly known things that come with age but those are more due to circulation and chemicals and such? I'm 46 and my body doesn't behave like it did when I was 26 so sometimes there's not raging, chopping wood hard-ons like 20 years ago so maybe that would account for a difference but I wouldn't call it shrinking.
Funny thing in regards to physiology and circulation, I had a buddy who quit smoking and after a couple months, he swore the damn thing got bigger lol! Originally Posted by ohboy70
Lol....probably not but good for him on quitting smoking.
Tigerhobby's Avatar
I've heard of it getting bigger with weight loss. Lol.
footdreamer's Avatar
I've heard of it getting bigger with weight loss. Lol. Originally Posted by Tigerhobby
Your right! I remember when I lost my belly and 22 pounds and 2 waist sizes I freaked out in the shower looking down I added 3 inches of visual length.
Guest072918's Avatar
Yeah, Ray, I'd listen to Heidi in this regard. You might reconsider your source of info there.
I'd take the biological/physiological opinions of a twenty-something with a grain of salt, lol. Originally Posted by ohboy70
I agree with you Ohboy. Both on listening to Heidi and disregarding a 20 something. That is like hearing a rookie say "based on my experience ..."!!

For my $0.02, its not just length, but also girth. I have lost weight and do feel as if I am bigger, even limp. Not sure if it is all the hobbying, supplements and meds my Dr. has me on or what. But I am comfortable with my manhood's size. Most ladies compliment it, but then again I am paying them $100's for them to make me feel like a stud.

For the guys, if you want to know how you measure up, and even learn exercises to increase length and girth, go to It is a wealth of knowledge about your manhood, all free.
Tigerhobby's Avatar
Lmao.... Footdreamer!! So true. But seriously I lost like 30lbs and my SO was like you have gotten bigger and said that her Ex had lost about 50lbs and his got bigger. Who knows. Lol. Good subject and good times.

Like the old joke goes "she looked and asked who you gonna satisfy with that???? With no pause he said... Me!!!"
Maybe it's just due to the fact that my Facebook feed has just become bogged down with Hilary/Donald, killer cops and creepy clowns (besides Hilary/Donald), posts like this are a welcome distraction lol!
In regards to the weight loss thing, here's an analogy: if I go get the wheels off an F-150 and go to the shop and mount em on the shop Toyota, they're gonna look bigger and that's cool, because I'll take an optical illusion as an advantage any day of the week, haha!
Also, Ray, it's just as likely your privates aren't getting smaller, but the lady's private is getting bigger. I mean, that is a thing, right?! (See "Curb your Enthusiasm" episode something/whatever).
Thank you for making the "Co-Ed Discussions" a lively place this week!
footdreamer's Avatar
Lmao.... Footdreamer!! So true. But seriously I lost like 30lbs and my SO was like you have gotten bigger and said that her Ex had lost about 50lbs and his got bigger. Who knows. Lol. Good subject and good times.

Like the old joke goes "she looked and asked who you gonna satisfy with that???? With no pause he said... Me!!!" Originally Posted by Tigerhobby
TigerHobby I try to put some humor in things of this nature. Thanks for seeing it the way it was intended, great post for sure.
I totally disagree, not all older men have this issue. Also, some of us like older men for the experience they provide...if you catch my drift
I agree with you Ohboy. Both on listening to Heidi and disregarding a 20 something. That is like hearing a rookie say "based on my experience ..."!!

For my $0.02, its not just length, but also girth. I have lost weight and do feel as if I am bigger, even limp. Not sure if it is all the hobbying, supplements and meds my Dr. has me on or what. But I am comfortable with my manhood's size. Most ladies compliment it, but then again I am paying them $100's for them to make me feel like a stud.

For the guys, if you want to know how you measure up, and even learn exercises to increase length and girth, go to It is a wealth of knowledge about your manhood, all free. Originally Posted by Woodford
There has to be something to the weight loss thing. I don't think it gets bigger, you just uncover more usable property. I've lost about 60lbs recently and have noticed a difference. I'm not the only one either.