OK. So do you ever buy a Lottery ticket and think about how you would spend it? As a Hobbyist, I have a crazy long list of Ladies I have been wanting to see, so I am quite sure I would go on a "Hobby Binge". Kinda shallow, but hey, I am a guy. Us guys think about sex, and well um, more sex. Yes, I would buy a fancy new car, sure I would share with my family, of course pay off my bills, and definitely quit my job. But mostly I think I would go "Hobby Crazy" for a little while.
However, it occurs to me that Providers would do quite the opposite I presume. My guess is that Providers would immediately quit their "job" as a Provider.
So where we Guys would probably go crazy having lots of sex, I am guessing the Ladies here would be quite dfferent.
OK, sure there are the smucks out there who would give a bunch of money to charity, or churches, or whatever. Not me. I would be doing my damnedest to get to the top of the reviewers list ahead of SP Hunter and Geniusman.
Anyway, what would everyone else do?