If I ever win the Lottery, I would.......

OK. So do you ever buy a Lottery ticket and think about how you would spend it? As a Hobbyist, I have a crazy long list of Ladies I have been wanting to see, so I am quite sure I would go on a "Hobby Binge". Kinda shallow, but hey, I am a guy. Us guys think about sex, and well um, more sex. Yes, I would buy a fancy new car, sure I would share with my family, of course pay off my bills, and definitely quit my job. But mostly I think I would go "Hobby Crazy" for a little while.

However, it occurs to me that Providers would do quite the opposite I presume. My guess is that Providers would immediately quit their "job" as a Provider.

So where we Guys would probably go crazy having lots of sex, I am guessing the Ladies here would be quite dfferent.

OK, sure there are the smucks out there who would give a bunch of money to charity, or churches, or whatever. Not me. I would be doing my damnedest to get to the top of the reviewers list ahead of SP Hunter and Geniusman.

Anyway, what would everyone else do?
I love to buy one lottery ticket a week. I know I wont win but I think spending one dollar is worth going a few days just dreaming what if.

I might hobby a bit more but mostly cause I would probably head to Vegas many many times. But mostly I would do a lot of traveling.
Well, it depends on how much I win lol. First I would quit my job and pay off all my chit. Then I would share the money with my family. Then I would become a philanthropist and general do-gooder and when I've done all I wanted, I would become a hermit and move to Kathmandu lol
wackatronic's Avatar
I would become a hermit and move to Kathmandu lol Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
I am changing my choice and moving to Kathmandu with hotlips!
If I win the lottery I probaly be dead with in two months
from hobbying too much. But, I sure would love to try it..lol
I'd get my butt fixed.... This one has a crack.....
I'm the kind of person that would help out my family they come first for sure. Then mabey get a second boob job and go a little bigger.
berkleigh's Avatar
I would do whatever the hell I please just like I do now.....
1. I'd hobby about 2x a week. Any more and I just burn out.

2. I'd set up some kind of fund to pay for sessions for disabled vets.
Take a year or 2 off and go on a vacation with me.

and keep me drainned, opps i mean HAPPY

Bestman200600's Avatar
I would wear my ATF out. She wouldn't have time for anyone else.
Iceman's Avatar
Definitely take care of family. Hobbying would probably increase slightly.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Assuming it was a sufficiently large amount, I'd arrange for the comfort of my remaining family and some select friends.

Then I would be off to the Napa Valley of California in search of a small premium label winery.

At this point the delusion really begins, as I also envision an on premises Zagat/Guide Michelin rated bistro.

Operations here would be in the hands of a foreign-trained, American-born, chef-in-residence, assuming I could find such a combination.

PM resumes to me!

Backup plan.....a simple Lake Garda villa.
gman44's Avatar
If I won 65million dollars and after the government takes their cut I'd give the remaining dollar to my mom
If I was fortunate enough to win the lottery, with what was left after Taxes I would do the following

a) Square away my Student Loans
b) Donate some to various research foundations and charitable organizations
c) After further research I would invest

Then I would die a lonely old man cause I would worry that every woman that I ever crossed paths with just wanted my money