Showering ...

  • OFF
  • 07-06-2010, 10:56 AM
Is taking a shower a must for you. I can't run home before a session and take a shower so I have to depend on taking a shower at the provider's incall. I shower every morning but when I go to a session, I want to have no doubt I smell clean. So, when discussing a session with a provider, I almost always tell them that I want to shower when I arrive.

Occasionally, a provider has tried to get me to simply use wipes or has told me her shower is not available. That is a deal breaker for me. I know a number of you guys clean up before you head for a session, but for those who don't ... is not having a shower available a deal buster for you.

OFF :-)

Totally related gratuitous "I wish I was showering between them" boobiage in the shower video.

Spikebaby's Avatar
I prefer a gentleman to shower so a shower is ALWAYS available at my incall(s) AND.....if you are nice enough my monkey will scrub your back!

The Original Jenna of Dallas
I shower every morning but when I go to a session, I want to have no doubt I smell clean.
[/IMG][/URL] Originally Posted by OFF

I'm with you. Even though I always shower just before I leave for an appointment, I always ask to freshen up at the incall shower when I arrive. To me, it's a simple courtesy ensuring I'm fresh and clean. Not sure if I'd be wild and crazy about wipes, but if that's a lady's preference who am I to argue?

Depending on where I'm headed afterwards however, I sometimes like to shower. No desire to arrive at a business meeting smelling like I just did the deed. No one at home to worry about (only my dog, and he doesn't mind an extra new smell or two!), and I'm happy to wear the scent around the gym like a merit badge. But, if I needed to shower afterwards and that wasn't available it would be a deal breaker.

Good topic OFF...
Shower equals better mileage enuff said
Very nice, I wouldnt mind being between them too either.
Tara so said what i wanted to. Great minds think alike. I always have a shower available nothing worse than a guy that smells like he has been in the sun for 12 hours when they stop by.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Mandatory shower at her incall, hey, maybe she will join
Yes.......shower at the incall, I would not ever hand a guy some wipes and say well pick a corner and wipe away......that means his goodies will taste like no thanks.

Hop in the shower and I will jump in with you..that is how you get the party started for crying out loud. Some guys even let me play with their package while we are showering........even better.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Wait, crusty balls are out? WTF Did I miss ANOTHER memo?
  • OFF
  • 07-06-2010, 06:03 PM
Wait, crusty balls are out? WTF Did I miss ANOTHER memo? Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
Well the question is, for those of us who can't run home, would not being able to shower at the provider's incall be a deal breaker. For me it would be ... so no more crusty balls.

I raised the question because there are a few of the massage ladies who do not have shower facilities and one particular provider I contacted sometime back didn't want me to take the time to shower. I made an excuse and didn't book with her.

I want shiny clean balls ... no shower ... no session.

OFF :-)
Spikebaby's Avatar
Hey OFF.....isn't "shiny clean balls" an old Prince song?
  • OFF
  • 07-07-2010, 09:15 AM
Hey OFF.....isn't "shiny clean balls" an old Prince song? Originally Posted by Spikebaby
Not sure I want to know ... but they do have a machine for washing balls ...

Apparently these guys haven't had a session in a while!

OFF :-)
1thatgotaway's Avatar
It worries me that we even need to remind people to shower... Yikes!
Why wouldn't she want you to shower?!?! That's crazy. I prefer that a man shower before our BCD starts. If that means showering at my place....come on in, the water's fine! What is NOT cool is arriving on time smelling like you've been out and about all day. I don't want that anymore than you want me to show up like that for you.
I like when guys shower first and smell all fresh and clean, so I always have a shower available at my incall, I don't know why someone wouldn't, I mean who doesnt have a shower? Sometimes I may even like to join you