Sad news for car guys/gals who love to run the quarter mile.

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Houston Raceway Park is history and being torn down at this time.

I have so many memories of racing the car down the quarter mile. Mine started in 2005 and it's fun, but a lot of people don't have any idea how fun it is until you make a few passes down the strip. HRP had the advantage of being almost sea level and the guys who prepped the track always did a superb job of making it sticky as hell. The bad thing about being close to sea level is when running at night, the humidity would set in and this makes the air heavier and the strip ran from south to north which means on the rare occasion we had good cold air (negative DA) we would usually be running into a headwind.

One thing I started doing is avoiding the Friday night races and starting going to track rentals. Sometimes on a Friday night, it would take 2 hours to make a pass and if you blew your launch, you hollered FUCK, then got back in line, hood opened because engines hate hot air. With a rental if you blew your launch or blew the run, you would be making another pass within 10 minutes.

At least my last pass was a memorable one, I ran a 9.9 in a Hellcat with a pulley/tune/drag radials and it was 100% street legal and not wrecked out and held together with duct tape. It was just in 2005 in a Pontiac my goal was to get into the 12's. How times have changed. Another way times had changed is that I always thought drag radials went on the back (I had never raced a front wheel drive car) and one night I saw a Honda with the drag radials on the front. I had to think about that for a minute of so before reasoning kicked in. Another thing, a car may look and sound fast, but the proof is the time slip as to whether it's fast or not.

The funniest thing I saw was 2 guys in new Porsches running the quarter mile, but they didn't know what they were doing and they ended up in the sand barrier after running past the end of the strip.

  • pxmcc
  • 04-15-2023, 09:41 AM
i want loveitdou to weigh in. low key motherfucker has fucking gone full throttle in some of the baddest muscle cars on the planet. and ya, i stand by that assertion.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
lid is prob on an ocean cruiser somewhere.
^^^I still can’t believe anyone falls for his stories. I mean, how gullible can you be?SMH/LOL

But yes, it does suck to see the iconic HRP go under.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-15-2023, 03:50 PM
^^^I still can’t believe anyone falls for his stories. I mean, how gullible can you be?SMH/LOL

But yes, it does suck to see the iconic HRP go under. Originally Posted by Bowser98
Bowser, with all due respect, you don't know your ass from a hole in the wall. Don't focus on what people say when they think you're listening-they're probably lying anyway; focus on what they say when they think you're not. That's how you figure out what is, and what isn't, on social media. (Btw, hooker boards are the closest thing to social media that I engage in. I disabled Facebook years ago, and it was one of the best moves I've ever made.)

I'm not trying to start shit with you. I said what I had to say, and that's that. If you need to come back at me, do it once, get it over with, and I'll leave it there. Only girly men and real women use the rtm button imo, so no worries whatever on that front from my end.

I guessed LID's backstory, figuring he probably made his fortune in the hydrocarbon industry, like most of the super rich in H-town, and wondered to myself why in the fuck someone of his means would ask about a donation for an agency gal. I figured he was either full of shit, or maybe it's the same reason why Warren Buffett drives a Toyota Camry and lives in a four bedroom house in a quiet subdivision.

So I straight up asked him how he made his fortune, figuring I could either find out if he's totally full of shit or get the straight scoop. I knew that if he wasn't full of shit, he was, at a minimum, a business owner. (The richest of the rich aren't CEOs of Fortune 50 companies; they're business owners who hold a significant percentage of what turns out to be a blockbuster of a company.) My guess that he was a wildcatter in oil and gas who hit black gushing paydirt wasn't exactly right, nor was my hunch that he might be totally full of shit. I was correct that he is a business owner, and will add simply that there were valuable patents involved in his company's success. His profession and his personality explained perfectly why he'd ask about an agency gal's donation. It's the same reason why bigshot plaintiff's personal injury attorneys don't want accountants and engineers on their juries, and why when I made 30k look like 47k on the dice tables at Laberge, I colored up and tipped the dealers 80 bucks, not 2k, and I didn't hit the strip clubs that night. I celebrated with one of my favorite hobby gals, and we did a clockless 120 session and chill night on the town, with her having no idea what had just happened in Lake Charles. sometimes you gotta know when to stfu.

He's legit. That's all I'm gonna say, and I'm sorry that the pathetic trolls on here have made it totally not worth it for him to post here. Those trolls should have been quickly banned, but Eccie had a troll problem it didn't know how to fix, until UC came along. Either his timing was just lucky, or he's got some wack ass Jedi mind tricks.

I'd like to see LID back on here with his crazy ass adventures, now that the troll problem has been (hopefully?) fixed. I totally get how he got to the "fuck the Eccie cesspool" point though; I would have gotten to the same point except for the fact that I relish reverse trolling, don't care about bans, and was able to shut down my trolls' fun even before UC got here. But it shouldn't be necessary to have an a1 reverse troll game just to post stories and content that are a bit unusual. It's the unusual shit that's fun to read, not what bars someone hit last weekend or all the pussy someone banged (which he probably didn't, actually.) The truth is, for most of LID's trolls, they're just jealous. And the others just don't know how to separate fact from fiction.

Back on topic. I've never been to a racetrack, but I did top speed 150 in my rented Altima on my way to Vegas-the one I bought only does 120, [but at least it clobbered a Z car in a street race] how fucked up is that?-145 in my jacked up but money pit of a Honda Prelude, and when I hit 120 in my 240SX-my favorite car ever-a freaking computer fuel shutoff switch kicked in. (I almost asked for my money back.) So I dunno, maybe I've done the racetrack thing by proxy? You know, like one of those honorary diplomas they give to celebrities who never actually had to sit through a single class..

btw, i made all my speed records on those "under construction" 2 lane highways with concrete barriers on both sides and no shoulder. it's the only place cops can't patrol because it's too dangerous to pull someone over there. but i'm pretty sure i made some right lane truckers piss their pants when i passed 'em, and i left my left hand blinker on the whole way so i didn't go meet my maker on one of those days..
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Jedi? No. But a few of the board members are well aware of where I learned to deal with trolls.

LID and I have discussed ocean stuff a few times as I used to do an itty bit of ocean sailboating. On one side project he was quite correct reinforcing my idea/recommendation I had made to my client about a new sailboat rudder tiller. My custom single piece solid oak tiller is still in good shape whereas a similar, that my client's competitor store bought, broke in 2 years (causing a forfeit of the thing that was happening). My client still sends me a bottle of whiskey every year for that.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-15-2023, 09:59 PM
and exactly. he knows his shit on the stuff he writes about. how many posers off-handedly can tell you how much it costs a year to keep a yacht afloat? it's the off-handed comments, not the bragging shit, that tells you whether someone's a clown poser or legit. and i bet he's got some seriously bad ass muscle car stories. mine was a lousy story; i rented a Dodge Viper for a weekend of frolic, and that pos was the most mechanically unstable car i've ever driven. i didn't even bother to test its limits cause i didn't trust that thing as far as i could throw it. it was as opposite to my 240's handling and suspension-at least on dry roads-as any car could be.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 04-16-2023, 07:39 AM
I hate to see the track go away. Lots of good memories out there.
dogtown's Avatar
It's a shame to think about the racetracks of all types that have gone away throughout htx.
… he is a business owner, and will add simply that there were valuable patents involved in his company's success.…He's legit.
All based on what he told you (and he’s posted publicly about his line of work and those fabulous patents anyway, so no revelation there from your long-winded diatribe) with no substantive proof, but hey, if YOU say he’s legit, then I’ll take your word for it. LOL
LID and I have discussed ocean stuff a few times as I used to do an itty bit of ocean sailboating. On one side project he was quite correct reinforcing my idea/recommendation I had made to my client about a new sailboat rudder tiller. My custom single piece solid oak tiller is still in good shape whereas a similar, that my client's competitor store bought, broke in 2 years Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Which proves absolutely zero about his supposed vast fortunes and lifestyle.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-17-2023, 02:48 AM
All based on what he told you (and he’s posted publicly about his line of work and those fabulous patents anyway, so no revelation there from your long-winded diatribe) with no substantive proof, but hey, if YOU say he’s legit, then I’ll take your word for it. LOL Originally Posted by Bowser98
Do you think he should be able to post on here without trolls getting all up in his face?

i'm curious. you mentioned that he posted in public about the patents that he received. (did he also mention who the primary licensee was that made him rich?) could you show me that thread? i don't believe you because that's not his style, unless someone asked him point blank how the hell can you afford all this gallivanting and these pricey toys. then he might have mentioned it.
diatribe-great word. well done sir..
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Lets get back to closed race tracks.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-17-2023, 06:47 AM
Lets get back to closed race tracks. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
hopefully they wont close bissy track too..
hopefully they wont close bissy track too.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
LOL! Very well played!